
Bundesrat Beat Jans was founded by the «jugendlichen» HESO

Bundesrat Beat Jans was founded by the «jugendlichen» HESO

Bundesrat Beat Jans was founded by the “jugendlichen” HESO: “Eigentlich kan sie auch JUSO heissen”

Der Ehrengast Beat Jans schwelgt een der official Eröffnung in Kindheitserinnerungen und de muba – Mustermesse Basel. If the Justice Minister knows that, the HESO is in the Vergleich zur muba noch gibt.

Moderator Alain Rölli an der Openingsfeier.

Moderator Alain Rölli an der Openingsfeier.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Stubborn that it is not the right experience, states moderator Alain Rölli and the official HESO opening party. The band would take the trouble to listen, it is clear.

Davon liess sich Ehrengast Bundesrat Beat Jans nicht beirren. Once that happens, it’s just a matter of time. Bislang seien immer seine Bundesratskollegen zum Zug komommen, “Knives, Tunnel under the Hunting of the Wolf zu öffnen”, it says. If Justizminister is in the Alltag colleges, the government’s interests will go further.

Bundesrat defeated Jans an der HESO-Eröffnung.

Bundesrat defeated Jans an der HESO-Eröffnung.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Obwohl is for the Bundesrat Jans Premiere an der HESO ist, knows the Messe-Groove-gut. A manly man is one of the muba – der Mutermesse Basel – gewesen. When you start working with the boat Mutter, the dams have been snapped on a bugle – they will have an undamaged hat. Trotz diesen langweiligen Shopping-Erlebnisses: Für Klein Jans war die Messe-Zeit etwas Magicisches. “Die Gerüche, das bunte Treiben, die ‘Tierli’, die man streicheln konnte”, he said.

Bundesrat defeated Jans with HESO OK chairman Rolf Fröhlicher

Hanspeter Bärtschi

I am Frühling in Basel, in Herbst in Solothurn

It’s no longer possible. Jetzt is the «Spring Basel». So come the Solothurner in the Frühling after Basel and the Messe pilgern and the Basler to get into the herbs and the Jurasüdfuss. “I have a good performance,” said the Bundesrat.

Look at the audience.

Look at it in the audience.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

About the Zukunft der Solothurner Messe Kracht sich Jans keine Sorgen. If you have been on the Buckel for 47 years, it is still not young. «Actually, it could be JUSO heissen. Obwohl here der Kapitalismus nicht überwunden wird», he said.

While the city president Stefanie Ingold has the power over the Zukunft of the HESO that has Sorgen. There has been an analysis of the DNA of the city. If it has never happened like this, it is possible that most of the Solothurnerinnen and Solothurners work together, who are set for the Anlass.

Moderator Alain Rölli in conversation with Stadtpräsidentin Stefanie Ingold.

Moderator Alain Rölli in conversation with Stadtpräsidentin Stefanie Ingold.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Ihr SP-Parteikollege Jans sees the inheritance recipe aber in Säulilopen. It is a fact that the Publikummagnet insults the Schloss zum Erfolg, but is more sharply.

Moderator Alain Rölli in conversation with OK chairman Rolf Fröhlicher.

Moderator Alain Rölli in conversation with OK chairman Rolf Fröhlicher.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Eine Fleischschau an der Messe

The most likely program is in the schmunzeln: «Säulilopen, then the plastic surgery of the Solothurner Spitäler and then the Sonderschau zum Thema Schweizer Fleischhandwerks – an dieser Wertschöpfungskette hätte mein Kollege Parmelin bestimmt Freude», said er. OK President Rolf Fröhlicher dementiarte sofort Gerüchte, wonach the happy souls were brought into the Sonderschau after their running.

Bundesrat Beat Jans eröffnet de Sonderausstellung «Schweizer Fleischhandwerks».

Bundesrat Beat Jans eröffnet de Sonderausstellung «Schweizer Fleischhandwerks».

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Bundesrat Jans dared to pass through Schluss but neither through a Band. Namely das der Sonderschau. “Ich esse sehr wenig Fleisch”, says that I am the Edge of the Veranstaltung. It is a beautiful handicraft and it fell, which became present here.

Bundesrat Beat Jans schneidet an der Sonderausstellung ein Stück Fleisch, moderiert von Markus Roten.

Bundesrat Beat Jans schneidet an der Sonderausstellung ein Stück Fleisch, moderiert von Markus Roten.

Image: Hanspeter Bärtschi

Then he must be sure that he or she cannot talk and think with the hand, but can compare a cordon bleu. If I open for a while and sit on the ground with a bang, then there is a loud applause.