
Kretschmann said Stehvermögen beim Bürgerempfang

Kretschmann said Stehvermögen beim Bürgerempfang

When the Prime Minister Kretschmann in the Geislinger Schlossparkhalle has spent a long time with his journey to the country, the democracy, the migration policy, the legality and the active problems that arise. There is no more time to give the people an idea and to give them fragments or descriptions of beans.

Bürgermeisterformt Wünsche

Sightly stollen and inheritance here Geislingens Bürgermeister Oliver Schmid den Ehrengast will come. There is a stellte kurz seine Stadt vor. Schmid takes advantage of the opportunity, the höchsten Mann in Baden-Württemberg of Angesicht zu Angesicht mitsuteilen, wo die Kommunen der Schuh drückt. Three things happened: the business administration, the financial problems and the healthcare, the work-realistic laboratory was solved. Am Ende signaler Rede Schmid noch den Wunsch, that’s the country bei der Gesetzgebung die Kommunen frühzeitig einbindet.

Die Zuhörer, who here is Otto Scherer from Dotternhausen, stole eifrig Fragen.

Die Zuhörer, who here is Otto Scherer from Dotternhausen, stole eifrig Fragen. (Photo: Rosalinde Conzelmann)

And Landrat Günther-Martin Pauli, who gave Kretschmann the goose tag when visiting the district, appellierte and the land esvater, who were very active in their communities. Own responsibility and generating an overview, the fact that the country is no longer in the Ehrenamt, will no longer become regular. Pauli wurde noch deutlicher: Wenn Kommunen completely 14 Prozent der statlichen Einnahmen verzeichnen, aber fast 25 Prozent der statlichen Einnahmen schultern müssen, stimme etwas nicht more.

Before Kretschmann and Rednerpult met with Markus Kurz, the conductors of the music association, and thanked him for the musical appreciation of the Abends.

With BI-Vertretern,

The passionate wanderer is busy washing roots, warmth of the premium hiking trails, a then but on serious themes to come. The conversation with the proponent of the citizens’ initiative Waldhof, it is a form of form that animates the 76-year-old age as “controversial and civilized”. In the 13th century, the Amtszeit has come a long way against the infrastructure project, but no problems can be solved. It would be more deutlich: “We have a brutal war. The Ukraine defends the freedom of all Europe. We must make our country more defense-capable again.”

The Bosch company has disappeared in the field. Der Mittelstand sei unter Druck: „Those Betriebe müssen nicht here bleiben.“ Bund en Land würden seit year nach geeigneten Absetzgelände for the KSK suchen. „Wir machen es mit allem Ernst and all Abwägung.“ Verteidigung versus beste Ackerflächen sei der Grundkonflikt. The Country must see the great Goose.

Clarity and Ordnung in der Migrationspolitik

His visit to the refuge in Hechingen has taken a very orderly decision, whereby Kretschmann has chosen one of the Theme refugee policy überzuleiten. The soul of politics must be it, the irregular migration is established and the regulations are arranged. Because the country needs foreign skills and working forces. Leader is like that, everything is different. There is much more, it is the Direction that is set, Order and Clarity in these things that you bring.

When we talk about the Bürokratie’s überborden, it is: “So it is not possible to use more lights than the gestrüpp lights.”

The zeitgeist is crazy

Who sees it with the spirit of the times? Not good, nach Meinung des Politikers. Warum? We live happily ever after, that Germany is a rich country and that we are always happy. “That’s an end,” Kretschmann stated clearly. Ebenso schüttelt is the Kopfüber die Vorstellungen manch junior Menschen, 20 Stunden in der Woche bei volem Lohnausgleich zu work. There is a world to living in Rosenfeld: more living and working in the Credo. Dabei würde Deutschland schon weniger beiten als other Länder. The Wohlstand can be so bad.

The more you applaud the statements of the prime ministers.

The more you applaud the statements of the prime ministers. (Photo: Rosalinde Conzelmann)

The central clinic has given Kretschmann a good prognosis. The land district that aims to finance the land loss is diverse. Allerdings muse Lauterbach seine Hausaufgaben machen. The Landrat and the Geschäftsführer of the Zollernalb-Klinikums vernahmen es mit Freude. So hello, thank you for that with Kretschmann.

The session prepared for the fragmentary blieben leather, Kretschmann stands still and hörte zu. A large number of the fragments are involved in the KSK-Absetzgelände, after the Flüchtlingspolitik. The country is an asylum seeker, so it is written that it is a Fragesteller. If it is a problem, Leute ohne Schutzstatus zurückzuschicken, it is not a problem, so Kretschmann. “There are no knobs, so we can use the draufdrücken.”

Bored young people are protected

Zum Zementwerk must be a fragment, versed aber, sich kunde zu machen. Strong criticisms of the Jungverwitwete of the Wachstumsinitiative der Bundesregierung, who again are neither economic nor soul-fuhrend. Ihre Forderung: Terminate the Hinzuverdienstgrenze für Jungverwitwete abzuschaffen. Denn: “Wir wollen work und durfen nicht.” Kretschmann answer, that is, that for the Rentfragen of the Bund sister, there is a difference, that is itself kümmern wird: “I am organized in a term with the sister Bundestagsabgeordneten.” The Geislingerin war with the Antwort zufrieden. „I became a believer in my life“, that is what I mean.