
Was man zum Cannstatter Wasen erasing muss

Was man zum Cannstatter Wasen erasing muss

4.3 Million people have gone to the Cannstatter Wasen over the years – and that could happen in those years.

It is clear that the changes in the relationships that can be experienced in economics are very important during the economic season, and are therefore consciously aware: “We will still experience beautiful and healthy people’s festivities,” said Werner Klauss, Speaker of the Festival and Self-Festwirt.

Aktuell läuft der Aufbau nor auf Hochtouren, for the aufgrund des Konzertsommers auf dem Wasen bis wei Wochen weniger Zeit since: “Wir since denoch im Zeitplan”, explains Marcus Christen of the Veranstalterfirma in.Stuttgart.

What’s wrong?

Der Cannstatter was on Friday, September 27 at 4 p.m. with the Fassanstich in Grandls Hofbräu Zelt offiziell eröffnet. First day starting in all Festzelten und Gastronomiebetrieben der Bierausschank. The festival opens at 3 p.m.

When is the laundry open?

Der Wasen hat an 17 Veranstaltungstagen bis zum 13. Oktober tagch geöffnet. Montags to donnerstags are öffneted from 12 to 23; Freitags are longer. On Sunday the opening hours are from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

On the Eröffnungstag, I am the German Einheit tag, the Tag for the Feiertag is the following next next Sonderöffnungszeiten:

  • Freitag, September 27: 3 p.m. to 12 p.m
  • Mittwoch, October 2: 12 to 24 hours
  • Donnerstag, October 3: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m

What does the program look like?

Neben der Eröffnungsfeier zum Fassanstich am Freitag stht am kommenden Wochenende with the historical Volksfestumzug at Sonntag (11 Uhr) a more recent Programmpunkt an.

The label of the German Einheit is a multiple of Trachten-Modenschauen. On Tuesday 8 October (10.30) there was a Wasengottesdienst and on 13 October (21.30) the Volksfestijnen was a large musical work by the more Pyrotechnik-Weltmeisters Joachim Berner.

What was the price of the large beer?

The price for a meal was 13.30 and 14.70 euros – and it was higher than the Frühlingsfest.

How can someone save?

It is more time to set up and capitalize on the active phase in men.

On 30. September is VVS-Wasentag. Here you can see that the trip with the double sale is possible, while Vorlage gets a number of VVS tickets that tellerinnen and teller have a price-end ticket. If you are at the Dinkelacker Festzelt Klauss & Klauss with VVS ticket for a Kauf 20-Euro-Gutscheins am Infoschalter 1 only the half, you also get 10 Euro gift.

Am 1. October is VfB-Wasentag. Vereinsmitglieder udn Dauerkarteninhaber von Rabatten benefit here.

The first donation is between October 2 and 9. Familientage with fully discounted prices and promotions.

What are the celebrations?

The visitors of the water are standing new Festzelte zur Auswahl. The benefits are grundsätzlich kostenlos, jedoch wird der Einlass bei maximal Belegungszahl geschlossen. The Veranstalter has made a previous reservation, it is worth doing so.

How does one get outside?

The person can drive to the parking lot by car, bring the land to the parking lot, the height of the business situation and the general situation in Stuttgart determine how the Veranstalter will eher davon ab and empfehlen die Travel with the ÖPNV.

Bahnhof Bad Cannstatt is a 10-minute walk from the Fußweg to Wasen-Gelände. There are S-Bahn lines S1, S2 or S3 which use the Regionalbahnlinien RE90, MEX12, MEX13, MEX16, MEX18, MEX19 and MEX90.