
Neuer Bluttest kann 67 Krankheiten vorhersagen: So it functions

Neuer Bluttest kann 67 Krankheiten vorhersagen: So it functions

When analyzing the proteins, which occur in only a tropical blood effect, the risks for some of the disease can be affected. Who has the function, goes through here.

Die Diagnosis of Schweren Krankheiten may take a month or more. To be clear, aber auch light Erkrankungen frühzeitig zu acknowledge, that is a international study with the analysis of blood proteins auseinandergesetzt. In one and only pieces, the ties are final tausende Proteinthat are associated with specific diseases changed signal can. During the analysis of the proteins, the protein can be used various types of cerebral palsy, kidney and lung diseases were identified. Jetzt müssen die Forschungsergebnisse valid were. If you want to operate the device in a certain way Früherkennung von (schweren) Krankheiten.

How does the study work?

The Berlin Institute of Health at the Charité Berlin and Queen Mary University of London, University College London, the University of Cambridge and the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline are leading a joint study through. About Proteinwhich could be cut into a single piece of paper, welded in itself Risikovorhersage voor een Vielzahl von Krankheiten meet. Darunter are also serious illnessesa diagnosis can be made or it can take years to carry on.

I am Rahmen der Forschung wurden more than 40,000 blood tests analyzed. That was something 3,000 Proteins identified. The research involves the study of a large amount of Proteomics.

The Ergebnisse der Studie is ermöglichen die Früherkennung von leichten bis schweren Krankheiten. What is now, the study experience on the study of education and life validate. Only then, when you are ready, will a number of tests be performed.

Which diseases can be tested?

A Amount of diseases Können über diesen Test in progress. 67 Diseases sollen es bein. It may be that the Aussagekraft produces the best test results.

Serious illnesses with the multiple myeloma (bone marker cancer), the non-hodgkin lymphoma (lymph node cancer), the motor neurone disease, pulmonary fibrosis and dilated cardiomyopathy can perform the protein analyses. Also about Alzheimer should the test was found. Diseases with COPD, disease and kidney diseases, rheumatism, the disease of fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) have fallen and tests have been performed.

General can about the Protein and the Alter were established. So modified risk towers for financial institutions can be financed. The intention may be that the protein in manching persons alternate on the other side as they penetrate.

Who operates the Bluttest?

The central point is that in only a lonely bloodstained protein enthalten sin. At 67 Krankheiten reichte die Untersuchung und Auswertung von up to 20 blood proteins. You can cook the amount of protein into an unhealthy amount your previous education changed colloquial language vary your mixture and art. Daran lassen sich (potenzielle) Recognize illness.

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In a Datenbank wird der Gesundheitszustand before you do the research and conduct your research. Assistance from Analysis Programs and Algorithms can help the researchers Blood proteins so, who has recovered from one of the diseases. Damit testeten sie, ob diese sogenannten Indicator protein Your health, your health and well-being will be better pre-memories as with other methods.

The most broken is not for all Sickness pictures good. In bacterial infections osteoporosis or the gray star can increase its effect. Daher muss were weighed, which clinical method my help is the most helpful.

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