
Wiener Kindergarten: Geschlossene Kleidung roads more muslimisch Eltern?

Wiener Kindergarten: Geschlossene Kleidung roads more muslimisch Eltern?

A medion report is wrong in the Gemüter. In a Wiener Kindergarten the children can educate their children, they can protect their clays – growing up by Muslims from the kindergarten. Der Fall would give a good result.

WIEN/PENZING. A message from the “Kronen Zeitung” on Samstag, September 21, before publication. You will have a childcare center at 14. Bezirk Mitarbeiterinnen geschlossene and nicht auf travelde Kleidung angeordnet haben. Der kolportierte Grund: Muslimische Väter, the childish abolition, will never be aggravated.

The following message was published by the Krone editorial team: “It is an institution that, in its leadership, actually requires its employees to wear closed clothing; it is a Muslim man who abhors his children.” Make sure that Muslim children no longer go to daycare either.

The story is being checked

Laut MA 10 – Kindergärten is a seitens of the Stadt Wien that does not offer Vorgabe university education. “Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen entsplits selbst, welche Kleidung in ihrem Berufsalltag appropriate ist. Wirwarten herebei jedoch of our mitarbeiter*innen, that is Ihr Erscheinungsbild sauber and gepflegt ist, anyway, that clothing for the educational alltag in Kindergarten zeckdienlich ist”, the guidance will are in dem Message zitiert.

We have read the MA 10: “Concerning the erwähnten Standort we thank for our Hinweis and became the Sachverhalt interne prüfen.” Falls is notnoten as it sollte, became man in dem Fall “weitere Schritte setzen. Die von Ihnen painted Vorgehensweise entspricht jedenfalls nicht unserer Haltung.”

Wiederkehr: Gebote “inakzeptafel”

Also Education City Councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (Neos) stated conclusively: “The children and children in the Vienna Kindergartens play a role in childcare, which is silent and attached to my job. Darüber has written his writing studies while the individual position is not being discussed.” Religious issues in the case of a liberal democracy are “incomprehensible, but it is a liberal democracy that is not compatible.”

Christoph Wiederkehr responds to the previous one. | Photo: Maximilian Spitzauer/MeinBezirk

The reaction of the FPÖ Wien fiel scharf aus. Laut Landesparteiobmann Dominik Nepp müsse diesen Vorgängen “a clearer Riegel were vorgeschoben. Solche Islamisten-Eltern has in dieser Stadt nichts los en sollen in his Islamic Heimatland zurückkehren.”

FPÖ pushes for consequences for the future

Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) and Wiederkehr have made the Nepp Kindergärten announcement, only the Regulations will be reported and for your own Eltern Konsequenzen zu setzen, for the Kleiderordnung before they can start. Weiter sprach Nepp of “radical Islamic social migrants, who will happily leave our country tomorrow.”

FPÖ Vienna chief Dominik Nepp responded. | Photo: Markus Spitzauer

ÖVP-Landesparteiobmann Karl Mahrer and the Integrationsprecherin der Wiener ÖVP, Caroline Hungerländer, reported that they have been affected. It is urgent to act and be affected by pages and pages of “mittelalterlichen Vorschrifts” geschützt. “Solche Zustände is op de Stadt Keinen Platz. Wir Fordern Stadtrat Wiederkehr zur sofortigen Unterstützung der Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen auf.”

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