
Die Zukunft des physischen Marketings: Zwischen Digitization und Greifbare Kundenerfahrung

Die Zukunft des physischen Marketings: Zwischen Digitization und Greifbare Kundenerfahrung

(openPR) The results of the marketing mirrors in a digital representation wider. Online activities, social media and dating can take dominant strategic positions in the field of the soul-oriented market. If you find a new renaissance in the digital transformation, this is one of the most important content sources: the physical marketing. While the digital world is erobert, the great experience in one of the material world is seen as a besonderer beddeutung. The touchpoints offer an unparalleled quality and a unique opportunity, which strengthens the way for a healthy life in their physical and digital marketing as a complementary partner.

The new Wertschätzung des Greifbaren

In physical marketing, mind as your form of interaction, in buying products that directly contact the material things, a new experience emerges. Companies that place there, use physical products, printing equipment, packaging or creative Giveawaysto create a lasting end result. When digital channels are left untouched in short and cost-efficient Reichsweite, this often leads to a separate man: you can not have deep-seated, multi-sensory experience beets.

This renaissance of physical marketing goes beyond Germany, when the factor of overload is exercised in digital communication. Study the lessons, the consumers will be a digital representation. The unanswered exchange of messages via e-mails, banners and social media advertisements ensures that the quality of the messages increases and that they are displayed, an important outcome. In this context, tactile attention and attractiveness are gaining. Because we advertise a lot for creative shape products or exclusive gift packaging – all forms of physical marketing are often possible within a digital communication.

Multisensorische Verankerung von Markenbotschaften

A central advantage of physical marketing lies in the multi-sensory sea blessing of nature. The possibility, a brand is no longer visible, is about the haptic, smell or sogar taste to experience, ensures a deeper anchoring in the consciousness of the soul group. Research in neuroscience has come a long way, while the information intensification and the long-term absence of information last longer. This knowledge is not new, but the backbone of physical marketing in the digital newspaper reflects these new habits.

In particular the sense of touch, which in the advertising has a great neglected is won, a bedfellowship is won. If you take the blame, the emotions of emotional reactions can be recalled, while the head of the power is influenced. Packaging, that luxury of materials or materials, which are outside our current form, can buy associations with exclusivity, trust and stable materials. A beiplay is so high, with the preparation of fresh packaging, that the buyer notices another problem – and this erlebnis is then automatically associated with the Marke.

Another part of the field is the binding of fragrances in marketing strategies. Products that are delivered on paper, or that are loaded, buy a large amount of brand marks. Here you will find the scent consumption that the olfactory endrücke makes in his behavior with the marke. The Forschung said, that fragrance is strongly concerned with emotions and inner experiences, was the physical marketing of a powerful instrument power.

Technology as Brücke zwischen Digitalem and Physischem

When physical marketing is characterized by a sensory quality, it is the digital integration technology that enables greater relevance and efficiency in the future. The trend is that there is no digital and physical ansätze, but a symbiotic inspiration that is both good to buy.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are new possibilities, physical erlebnisse with digital elements that can be explored. Mark who IKEA or L’Oréal started, AR apps started, the products are good, products are virtual and offer a physical connection through real showrooms or haptic products. This processing can be an unacceptable problem, while the cross-border digital and physical environment changes.

With the help of Near-Field-Communication (NFC) or QR codes in physical marketing materials, the simple display of analog with digital communication is possible. A simple operating system is the coupling of NFC tags in the packaging, which is automatically installed digitally with the operating system during a smartphone – as a product, application tips or exclusive offers. Here in German, with the digitalization of physical marketing a new dimension: it is a real and genuine way to go through the digital connection with the new interaction and personalization.

Nachhaltigkeit and Zukunft’s physical marketing

In another theme it is that the physical marketing activities are offered on a large scale, it is one of the most effective ways to act. The sensitivity to ecological themes is great, if the world is in the physical marketing market, then this is such a large amount, that it is a very likely burden. It is no longer a fact that one of the interesting aspects of the verteilen is; of the materials, the longevity of the products and their processing in the foreground.

The concept of the “Zero Waste” hat, which has become popular in recent years, has been a great boost for marketing. There are many more possibilities for using extremely friendly materials with recycled paper, bio-manufactured plastic or innovative solutions with paper from stone. These technical questions are not of an ethical nature, but also of strategic importance. Eight people can use it, while the Marken in practice use their protection protection, and if they want, another part of the practice can perform the most common practical activities. In some cases, the separate factor is used for the effective physical marketing of the company.

Physisches Marketing als Schlüssel zur Markenbindung

The big game is played in a digital world where a role plays, when it becomes a long-term market bond. Während digitaal Marketing campaigns Often there is a search – who generate clicks, likes or a course marketing – is the physical marketing that is recommended, one of the longer term offers that you should buy. One of the most important consequences of all this is that the physical operation of the hinterland is no longer a bleibenden Eindruck, but often a longer term is shown. If you have a strong contrast to the digital information, the flow of new information will no longer be available.

Gleichzeitig erleben Konsumenten das physique marketing als een form van Wertschätzung. “Ein Beispiel ist das sogenannte”Corporate gifts“, in the help of a partner or a partner who has taken the physical gifts to a higher level. These things do not have any comfortable way of working, but can last a long time for loyalty and positive marks in giving the quality of gifts, but also that personal note Zentrale Rolle. In the digital world, in most anonymous interactions and a great sin, the form of the personal contacts can be used a new bed.

The offer of physical marketing does not lie in the isolation of digital technology, but in the creative and sustainable combination of both worlds. Multisensory experience, technological innovation and sustainable practice are showing the way. In a time when the digital channel offers all possibilities, physical marketing can be a great way to do business that can lead to you buying. The key could lie, the idea of ​​the Greifbaren is useful and the time to promote the digitalization of the integration – for a complete, future-proof Markenerlebnis, the Consumers on an emotional and cognitive Ebene anspricht.