
Weng Fine Art AG Action: Mehrwertsteuer-Senkung beflügelt Kunstmarkt

Weng Fine Art AG Action: Mehrwertsteuer-Senkung beflügelt Kunstmarkt

The Weng Fine Art AG (WFA) is probably looking at the year 2025. The basis for this is the Bundeskabinett beschlossene Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Kunstgegenstände von 19% auf 7% from January 2025. Diese Maßnahme dürfte deutschen Kunstmarkt, since 2022 under Print stand , deutliche lasten und bewerbsverzerrungen abbauen.

Because the WFA looks like this, it is attractive to use artworks in Germany and the German auction house. In combination with the countering of inflation figures and phrases, a company can rectify the world economy with an erholung of the art markets in the coming years. It is possible that there is a first stabilization.

Artnet contribution in focus

The WFA has reached a rapid 30% in its deteiligung of artnet AG and is a larger action. In the Unternehmen factory, an investor who has made a multiple investment in Artnet, is one of the laws of Unternehmen on the scaffolding. A separation has been carried out during the Quartal 2024.


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The latest figures from Weng Fine Art AG speak volumes: Urgent action required for shareholders of Weng Fine Art AG. Is it worth investing, or should you sell? Find out what you need to do now in our current free analysis from September 22.

Weng Fine Art AG: Buy or sell? Read more here…