
If you are rotten, you can commit an offence

If you are rotten, you can commit an offence

Dresden- If it is a Tomato, power dieser Frau keiner was vor! Birgit Kempe (58) enjoys the Night Treasures, see small Mädchen ist. Neben ihrem olgreichen Onlineshop is the Tomato Expert in auch auf Instagram made a name for himself.

Birgit Kempe (58) is the Tomato Frau and a star on Instagram.

Birgit Kempe (58) is the Tomato Frau and a star on Instagram. © Tobias Koch

More than 21,000 people follow Birgit Kempe on the social platform. “For three weeks when I was at a Tomato Sauce Center in Stuttgart, there would be plenty of time for 6000 followers,” he says.

There is a team from “MDR Garten” in July at the Tomatenfrau from Dresden. “Mittlerweile became more important on the road.”

Über 100 Sort op de 58-Jährige jedes Jahr in ihrem Garten in Pesterwitz en. Discover the Black Zebra, the King of the Night or the Xanadu Green Godess.

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In the online shop of your online store you can choose from more than 700 types together for years to come.

Außerdem bietet Birgit Kempe Tomato sales and. “In the three rounds of sales, the 50th sorting was tried,” said the sympathetic woman who laughed, who herself is considered a “Tomato Verrückt”.

160 different sorting deals with the Nachtschattengewächs-Liebhaberin on the market.

160 different sort the night treasures-Liebhaberin on the market. © Tobias Koch

Neben der Ausstellung in Stuttgart presents Birgit Kempe in her Schätze in the Botanical Garden and in Hellerau am Markt. So who went to Wochenende.

“I always have clothes on the market – I have my extra items – and I don’t mind wearing black clothes.” With this equipment, the tomato fraud can be carried out as quickly as possible.

14 years ago Birgit Kempe reported in his Gewerbe an. From 2018, horticulture can take place in the fruit sector. This is a way where you can use all hands for years. “It is a full-time job. Holidays can only be made very rarely.”

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If the Dresdner can no longer have other princes. This is the Leidenschaft zum Beruf gemacht.