
Key facts: Who is the Superfood Wirklich? | Living & Erasing

Key facts: Who is the Superfood Wirklich? | Living & Erasing

Look in the kitchen or in nature – often at the height of the scale in Inneren.

A regnerischen Herbstdagt a warm Kürbissuppe die garze Familie en de Tisch. When we do the groceries of the kitchen, the core is lost, a superfood product. The core of the cork is not so good.

Here it is that the core of the matter is a good cause and whoever makes man a little self-reliant.

What had happened since Kürbiskerne?

The Kürbis is THE Herbstgemüse. When the Zubereitung often overwhelms the core and lets countries fall into the trap. It is not that the core is not so simple, but a little bigger for the prosperity.

When the kernel kernels are traded, this is a small Kraft package. They contain natural substances such as linoleic acid, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, eisen, kupfer, manganese, selenium, zinc and vitamins A, B1, C, D and E.

There can be a positive effect on the kitchen:

  • The amino acids that are absorbed into the body nuclei are transported into the serotonin level, a hormone, which is positive for the immunity that can occur.
  • Phytosterine in Kürbiskernen stärken Bladder and prostate and when you use the beitragen, Blasenentzündungen vorzubeugen.
  • The entaltenen morefach ungesättigten Omega-3-Fettsäuren have schützende Wirkungen auf das Heart-Cycle Running Systemshow the blood pressure and discuss the duration of the blood pressure.
  • The enthaltene linoleic fluid can affect cholesterol levels and cholesterol levels Blood pressure to feel.
  • Kürbiskerne is an undeveloped fat and ballast substance, which dies Leather enjoy the positive and upbeat of the Bowel Shutdown.

In tasty Kürbis recipes If you do not use any more pulp, the core is not used. These also taste good, sobald der Spices is previewed.

Who fell Kürbiskerne darf man am Tag essen?

Recommend is a tag that lies between the three Esslöffeln. If the core no longer works, go to the beef 58 to 174 Kalorien not in the calorie-poorest.

There can be no question of an overdose. Dennoch works if it is good, it is no longer possible to überschreiten. So if you are effective, you can use the positive properties of your company Superfoods to benefit from.

So dry your short cores

If you use the core of the rose, you must remove the last of the fruit from the fruit sector. Cut through the Kürbis in two halves and entnehmen Sie die Kerne mit einem Esslöffel.

Tip: Place the core with the pulp phase in a shake with a light washer and weld it overnight. The result is that the core is completely full of phases and it remains a pleasure during the Salz an. If you want to remove the wax, you must remove the core lightly. This Trocknungsvorgang can be a great experience in Anspruch.

If you remove the core of the paper, you can weld it onto a paper drum

After cleaning the core of the paper, you can weld it onto a paper drum

Photo: photo alliance / dpa-tmn

Short treats

If the core of the kitchen is affected, it is a good thing that the company mixes with a small portion of the time. So make sure you use the Cores.

For a nice variation, you can improve the core with Zucker and Zimt, often creating caramelized welds. Wenn gewünscht, können Sie auch eine Prize Ingwer, Kreuzkümmel, Cayennepfeffer und Salz hinzufügen.

For a spicy version you can use Chilipulver, Knoblauch or Thymian. You can use the dishes with Curry and Ras el Hanout. The Federal Food Center works on a delicious combination of fresh Ingwer, Limettensaft and Sojasoße.

Kürbiskerne in der Pfanne rösten

With the best quality products in mind, you will need some basic information:

  • Quartz core
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Gewürze nach Ihrem Geschmack, wie Pfeffer, Salz, Chili or Zucker

The Zubereitung is an imaginary question:

  • Erhitzen Sie das Olivenöl in a Pfanne.
  • If you put the core of the core in the high color and the red, it is a standard rühren, but it is a light golden brown color. That has become normal and is nice in the minutes.
  • Würzen Sie die gerösteten Kürbiskerne nach Ihrem Geschmack.

Kürbiskerne weld themselves quickly and easily in the Pfanne rösten

Kürbiskerne weld themselves quickly and easily in the Pfanne rösten

Photo: photo alliance / dpa-tmn

If you want to prepare this delicious meal and have a nice snack, you can use the perfect snacks or toppings for salad and other targeted dishes.

Kürbis cores in the oven

Here is a guide to purchasing cores in backofen:

  • Mix the core in a bowl with the oil and je nach with a Gewürz Ihrer Wahl.
  • Verteilen Sie die Kerne anschließend gleichmäßig auf ainem Backblech.
  • Roast the cooking core at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees Celsius for an estimated 20 to 25 minutes in the back oven.
  • The point is that the core of the Röstens presents a problem in a standard location.
  • Nach dem Rösten lassen Sie de Kürbiskerne abkühlen.
  • When you go out, make sure that the hardened kernels are best stored in an airtight sealed container of a single cold and dry container.

You can have a meal in the kürbisses eight times

Welche Kerne is the best of itself, depends on the cuisine. Grundsätzlich können Sie die Kerne von Handelsüblichen Speisekürbissen used.

Experts from the Federal Centers for Nutrition recommend however under the core of the Kürbis sorts Hokkaido and Butternut. This sorting has a smaller core and a thinner shell, was ideal for the roasting power. If the correct time is used, the core depends on the use of the core of the kürbis sorting.

Zero Waste Tip: There are a few Kürbis assortments that no longer contain the core, but also the Kürbischale Mitessen. The Hokkaido and Patisson Kürbis are being worked on. The light of one of the most common uses of the gesamten kürbisses, or a Lebensmittelabfall of the production.