
Rosamunde Pilcher has turned 100

Rosamunde Pilcher has turned 100

On September 22, the British Erfolgsautorin Rosamunde Pilcher was born in Cornwall at the age of 100.
On September 22, the British Erfolgsautorin Rosamunde Pilcher was born in Cornwall at the age of 100.


On September 22, British author Rosamunde Pilcher turned 100. With 60 million books sold and 150 movies released, a number of films from kitschy movies can be viewed.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • Rosamunde Pilcher hätte heute ihren 100. Geburtstag gefeiert.
  • The international Erfolgsautorin Starb 2019 after a Schlaganfall.
  • Rund 30 Bücher veröffentlichte Rosamunde Pilcher zeetlebens. I am the core of my family, family and family. Happy End Guarantee.
  • When Bücher films and films about Cornwall, most people will tell their stories, weltberühmt.

In Germany it is not as popular as in Heimat Grossbritannien. The first time the lease was concluded, Rosamunde Pilcher was for an international bestseller car. On 22. September the Erfolgsautorin had become 100 years old.

It is a name for its own genre in German television – for a kitsch Liebeschichten, Wohlfühlunterhaltung and a marchenhaftes Bild von Grossbritannien fernab der Realität.

Der kommerzielle Durchbruch is in 1987 with the Familiensaga «Die Muschelsucher» (‘The Shell Seekers’). The 800 days of strong Wälzer wurde zum Besteller – not now in Great Britain, also in the USA and in Germany, probably around Wed 1990. Bis heute wurde der Roman in meer dan 40 Sprachen übersetzt.

After 45 years of night life

If he is robbed, war becomes Pilcher über 60 Jahre alt. “I was very happy with the night, I lived 45 years of life,” and was present in the BBC talk show “Wogan”.

It is important to know how your child is doing. If you do not have a schreibe, this is not the case. «That is a part of the mirror.» In war 18 a first Kurzgeschicht was published in a published Zeitschrift.

It is worth following the «Muschelsucher» which is interesting and interesting to other works. Rund 30 Bücher, een Dutzend Kurzgeschichtensammlungen, veröffentlichte Rosamunde Pilcher zeitlebens.

Ihr letztes Werk, «Wintersonne» («Winter Solstice»), heralded the year 2000. Then you will feel free to write and enjoy your life. 2019 is about a Schlaganfall.

King Camilla is Rosamunde-Pilcher-Fan

The bottom line is that it is a diesel. Themes: Family, Love and Beziehungen – Happy End garanteed.

Often played by the Handlung in Pilchers Heimat Cornwall. Your book and the film productions influence the structural development of the region for all German travellers.

Thank you in 2016 for the best King Charles (75), the mother of the Prince War and the title Duke of Cornwall, at Pilcher. Her wife, the great King Camilla (77), will acknowledge herself there as a Fan.

From Bestseller to Quote Hit

The person Rosamunde Pilcher today brings together with television and literature in the connection, is massively on Michael Smeaton (72). The German and British TV producers who called on the practice in the 1990s, have the “Muschelsucher” experience on Pilcher brand products. My lectures are suitable for the car ride in their homeland in Scottish Dundee. At tea, they will be filmed for TV.

Bereit’s 1989 war “Die Muschelsucher” with Angela Lansbury (1925-2022) in the Hauptrolle fürs Fernsehen is being made into a film. “Frau Pilcher was never allowed to see a film,” Smeaton was told in conversation with the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in London. “If you don’t want that, the film will go at all and will no longer be allowed.”

Trotzdem sei Pilcher für een erneute Verfilmung ihrer Geschichten – nun fürs deutsche Fernsehen – offen gewesen. «Sie war ganz erreut.»

On October 30, 1993 during the ZDF broadcast a «Storm Begegnung» was published and a war started with one of the following events. Six further films were reported by the ZDF.

Dass Rosamunde Pilcher 30 Jahre später immer noch läuft, hatte Smeaton jedoch nicht erwartet. “If you look at the camera, you will be able to make these films,” he says. “Aber nicht, dass es dann 150.”

Umgangssprachlich is de heute scherzhaft vom «Pilchern» die Rede, wenn man am Sonntagabend sisterchaut.

Beautiful People and Beautiful Landscapes

The film was made for its magnificent landscape capture, the films that were made in Cornwall were filmed – as possible when the sun was shining. With the beaches, cliffs and wide open green surfaces, the ideal scenery for the Romances can be formed.

«Beautiful People and Beautiful Landscapes in a Rundum funktionierenden Liebesgeschichte», thus describes Herstellungsleiterin Beate Balser das Konzept voor Jahren in dpa-Interview.

While the first films have not yet appeared in Romanticism, boats or Pilchers Short Stories Inspiration. The authorization of Smeaton is nor the Drehbücher. Schliesslich has the German Machern-vertraut. If you in your «schwarzes Büchlein» vermacht, while you get a year an idea and a title with a festive character.

“In this case we must speak out, the damage to the scale is and its duration will not be much greater”, there is talk of a product.

The removal of the «Büchleins» is long overdue. “They feel that they are now with my children”, so Smeaton, with Pilcher having waged war with his father and having contacted his family. «The house has been refurbished and it has never been so new that it is financed.»

When «Pilcher-Gen» comes is a

Mittlerweile, other Mini-Kurzgeschichten of large TV-Histories were added, which were still present in the British Autorin court.

“The Pilcher-Publikum has a fine-spürd, ob das Pilcher ist oder nicht”, so Smeaton, the schmunzelnd vom “Pilcher-Gen” spricht, the autorinnen and autoren new Erzählungen are necessary. “Erasing was a pain in the ass and was not a pain in the ass.” Sex, sex and sex are taboo – a Happy End hinges Pflicht.

Everything must be film durable over time. Deshalb attends marriage to homosexual couples. “That’s what it was, Frau Pilcher jederzeit auch geschrieben hätte”, that’s the Smeaton itself. «There was a very progressive, modern woman. Obwohl is so alt-war, war is modern.” That is a part of my family. Pilcher had four Children, more Single and Hour Ankle.

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By Philip Dethlefs, dpa