
Hausfriedensbruch: Polizei räumt besetztes Haus in Hannover

Hausfriedensbruch: Polizei räumt besetztes Haus in Hannover

Die Police hat ein besetztes Gebäude in Hannover Geräumt. A group of people who are responsible for teaching the home in the inner city, with the help of the police. Before the family gathers together as a demnach, up to 60 people, who protested with the occupied solidaire and lautstark, were fried.

The Besetzer was in the Saturday vermutlich by a single shock in the House eingedrungen, what is even more. They hang transparent with inscriptions that “the houses use, that they roast”, such as the images of the war and the pyrotechnics.

Der Hauseigentümer consists of a number of roads Hausfriedensbruchs, teilte die Polizei mit. The Straße would be closed, the police ensure that the Gruppe spends more time on the Gebäude of the Verlassen with the Lautsprecherdurchsagen. Die Besetzer blieben jedoch, Beamten entered das Haus. Anschließend losßen 15 Menschen das Gebäude freely and were fully festgenommen, who is this. Die Ermittlungen dauerten een.

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