
Clean consciousness? Darum müssen Sonnenblenden at Start und Landung geöffnet sein

Clean consciousness? Darum müssen Sonnenblenden at Start und Landung geöffnet sein

Before the take-off and landing trajectory is often started, the light of the box is undone or is it a full-fledged way out, you are in the Tageszeit. This mass intake is no longer necessary, but it is draußen dark ist. But why actually?

Das Ausschalten der Kabinenbeleuchtung serves der Sicherheit. During this maßnahme is gewährleistet, that is the augen of the satisfaction and of the passenger and the light story of the Flugzeugs and pas können. I think there is a Notfalls and an Evacuierung des Flugzeugs that come their disorientation. Because the critical phase has passed, the Kabinenlicht is a lot easier. It is the time of the times, the Crew and the Fluggäste in the Sitzplätze-verlassendürfen.