
Autobahn must never be closed – all information

Risse und Schlaglöcher: A27 muss bei Nordholz teilweise blocked. Welche Tage and Uhrzeiten have been affected and the autofahrer has cleared müssen.

In Niedersachsen you must have a car on the A27 near Montage with more traffic control. A Baustelle near Nordholz is blocked by the Fahrbahn in Bremen direction. The Sperrung gold-plated montags, mittens and free jewelry from 9 a.m. to a maximum of 12 p.m. and almost at the end of October and August. In the meantime, umlautungen were painted.

Grund für die zätzliche maßnahme sind urgent nunnen reparbeiten. This August, the Autobahn GmbH is removing a Grabendurchlass near Nordholz. Seitdem wird der Verkehr in both Directions einspurig an der Baustelle vorbeigeleitet. On the Fahrbahn Direction Bremen it is possible that the Risse and the Schlaglöcher start moving and that it is no longer necessary.

The Autobahn GmbH has decided that the Fahrbahn in Richtung Cuxhaven is closed for repairs. Allerdings, the Schäden on that Strecke look lighter. A genauer time point for more work in the orientation is nothing more than a celebration. Autofahrer is bitten, the paintings on the beach and the gebebenenfalls more Time for the next day’s travel.