
Do you want to start Joker Güler? “Gott sei Dank nicht mein Job, das zu entscheiden”

Do you want to start Joker Güler? “Gott sei Dank nicht mein Job, das zu entscheiden”

If you play four games, the Kölner Viktoria Erleichterung über de 2:0-Sieg gegen de Zweitvertretung van VfB Stuttgart. De Deckel has control over the Top Joker Serhat Semih Güler, who is starting a bit of a start-up procedure.

Traf schon wieder nach Einwechslung: Serhat Semih Güler.

Traf schon wieder nach Einwechslung: Serhat Semih Güler.
IMAGE/Beautiful sports

Sechs Tore hatted Serhat Semih Güler for the Spiel-winning Kölner Viktoria against the Stuttgarter U 23 bereits erzielt, all as Joker. Lediglich three games battles of 27 years in the sailing Saison of Beginn an. Kein Wunder, even if it is true that the Swabians zunächst draußen saß, zumal Sturmkollege Lex Tyger Lobinger bisher more like overseas (kicker-Notenschnitt 2.96) – and a schon mal hit hat.

Go to the VfB II at 84 minutes. Minutes, he is a playing table with a green number 30 with a high level. While the time of the game lasts so long, the Güler will not dare to follow the Rasen words, to take the new path, which is in the Vorsaison again in Rostock, nor at the Munchner Löwen by konnte, aber for an own goal. If a ball comes out of your own half for a while, it can cause even more war. Schließlich war Guestkeeper Dennis Seimen at an Ecke with his back and the Stuttgarter Tor damit lost.

Janssen continues with the Joker’s Leistung

So Güler scrapped his Torekonto – and got the hell out of Lobinger. Isn’t it true that the time is before the start where? “I would naturally like to start playing games”, Güler said after the fact that Viktoria was so important to him. MagentaSport: “I am grateful that it is not my Job that is separated, the power of the trainer.”

They said that they were treated with the performance signaller Joker: “Those Wechsel were all really cool because of the Bank”, thanks to Olaf Janssen, they deserve a legacy signaler’s manhood. Kurz for Gülers erlösendem Tor in the last few minutes I could thank the Viktoria for the reactions of Torwart Dudu, the chance of Stuttgart’s Michael Glück parierte. In the past, the high mountains were teilweise schlampig with the opportunity to travel.

When the war is over, I now see the minutes being played.

There were some punk delights, which Viktoria “had everything under control”, with Güler-feststellte. If the power of the Hit is then the Deckel, it becomes a celebration: “Wir also deserves Sieger vom Platz.” After four sieglosen Spielen in Folge ein Befreiungsschlag für de Kölner, der sie durch ihren starken Saisonstart wieder näher an de Spitzenplätze re-arranged, zmindest über Nacht: “Jetzt is eight nights and three nights open”, right Janssen after the Games for a concrete: “That ist mir insgesamt lieber.”

The story of the Victory after the Etatkürzungen and Abgängen einiger Stammspieler vor der Saison nur die wenigsten: “Wir nehmen das es kommt, ich bewe die Mannschaft nicht bremsen – abheben we wir aber auch auf keinen Fall”, Janssen stated. In Jedem Fall you can now find the Kölner Club in the Konkurrenz in the Wochenende beobachten, and then you will encounter the Wochenende zum Top-Team from Bielefeld. Womöglich wieder ohne Güler in der Startelf, der sogar zugeben musste: “I was seemlich platt, obwohl ich nur zehn Minuten spielt habe.”