
Naturnaher Umgehungsfluss at Innkraftwerk Simbach-Braunau

Naturnaher Umgehungsfluss at Innkraftwerk Simbach-Braunau

Who sees a natural river, is the new fish walking aid in the Innkraftwerk Braunau-Simbach. I was and the Ufern found Wood, Stone ​​and for all Kies. The fish can be used by Aid as kraftwerk vorbeischwimmen. Or a new Platz zum Laichen or Verweilen find.

Lebensraum für vale Tierarten

The stream of the stream has a width of eight meters and is a natural stream of the Inn nachempfunden. You can reach the washstand or the stream after a year. The natural flus structures can also lead other species a new life, with a choice of kiesbrutende birds, over insects and amphibians.

The Austrian company is the operating company of the Innkraftwerk and Project Manager. This company is investing 8.1 million euros in the new Wanderhilfe. Consider the project from the middle of the EU LIFE Fund and is the project project “Riverscape Lower” Inn. This is the natural environment of the Flusslandschaft am Unteren Inn.

Zum Life-Projekt is combined with the Braunau-Simbach fishing trail and a true-to-life representation of the Innkraftwerk Egglfing-Obernberg. At a length of 40 kilometers, the dams of four Innkraftwerken were optimized by soulful Pflegemaßnahmen as Lebensraum for geschützte Pflanzen- and Tierarten and long-lasting erhalten.

Fische nehmen Umgehungsfluss an

A renewed discovery, one of the most common types of problems, was usually chipped regularly. So you can do your treatment. At the Innkraftwerk Ering-Womanstein, a comparable hiking aid was opened in 2019. Here, it was possible to establish in the first year that around 40,000 fish were hiked at the Kraftwerk. You can give another person a warm heart with a length of 1.2 meters that goes through the Australian bedroom Steingressling.

Weitere Umgehungsflüsse planted

Aktuell läuft das Genehmigungsverfahren for aine Wanderhilfe am Kraftwerk Passau-Ingling. While the Betreiber VERBUND continued, in 2027 the Flusstrecken through Rumänien, the Kraftwerk Eisernes Tor, to Tyrol for all wandering fish barriers was solved.