
Psychology: Diese Eigenschaft verlängert das Leben

Psychology: Diese Eigenschaft verlängert das Leben

Knowledge of life
Do you long for gratitude for life?

Laut Wissenschaft: Verlängert Dankbarkeit unser Leben?

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Gratitude should make us happier every day, so it stood out. Is there a new study that goes no further: Can you be grateful that you desire?

Gratitude would have the courage to erase as “a general tendency, positive experiences in life and with grateful thoughts to respond”, definitively. It is worth getting to know a knowledge and a world of things, which are of material, such as immaterial things: Gratitude for a healthy life, for the family and friends, for a good book or for erfahrene Liebe and Hilfe.

In early studies it was established that it has a positive effect on our lives. 2019 continues, it is more joy of life and negative emotions. There are no mental effects that can provide better profitability in the way you can buy other people. Gratitude could also lead to a Leben aus in some cases – also to the Lebenserwartung?

Laut Wissenschaft: Verlängert Dankbarkeit unser Leben?

In a new study from that year, the researchers asked themselves the following question: “Do people who experience positive experiences more deeply and who are grateful for them tend to live longer?” To die from the consequences, which were used by the Nurses’ Health Study, which was used in 1976. For this active research, a third year from 2016 to 2019, 49,275 US-Krankenschwestern over the course of 79 years has now been included and examined, from 2022 to 2024 the results would have undergone analysis.

It is bad: the persons who are in the highest degree of gratitude in the ground have a small amount of the star berry that ends up in the Terzil layer. Soziodemographic Grundmerkmale, the social environment, religious involvement, the physical health, lifestyle factors, cognitive functions and the good health were prepared for her. “De Ergebnisse deuten darauf hi, dass das Erleben von Dankbarkeit with a longer Lebenserwartung bei alteren Menschen verbunden ist”, fassenden the Forschenden das Resultitzammen. In further studies with representative surveys, the ergebnisses are reproduced.

Dankbarkeit im Alltag prancing

And who can receive much gratitude? If you are not the researcher yet: We can lead a gratitude internship book and write three things every day for which we are grateful. If you want to receive a thank you, you will reimburse a short letter to a person form, so that you can do everything you want. Those will never be a problem, but a person meets a person with a demonstration and a short lesson. This method is intended for a lucky solution, which will interrupt more weeks.
