
Jetzt braucht is Hilfe for the “Weg zurück ins Leben”

Jetzt braucht is Hilfe for the “Weg zurück ins Leben”

  1. wading
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

After an accident with a Straßenbahn in Düsseldorf, Martin Kilian jumped in Lebensgefahr. Signal Schwager loses a spending campaign in Leben.

Düsseldorf – A glückliches und grundlegend unbeschwertes Leben war lang Zeit die Realität for Louis and Martin Kilian. He died suddenly on August 17, 2024. So war the Ehepaar from Düsseldorf on the Heimweg nach a gemeinsamen Restaurant with Freunden, as both men in the Düsseldorfer Innenstadt of a Straßenbahn were erasst. Während Louis Kilian with his vehicle in front of you, would be your partner under the railway.

„Weg zurück ins Leben“: Spending time after the road trip

In the next series Martin Kilian has found another head injury that causes a neurological neurological shock. “That was long unknown, or it was even survived”, explains his Schwager Stephan Kilian. Experiencing the disaster is from his father. “At first I thought it was like I mumbled a mine, die a Krebs-leader. Then I was prepared”, he says. “When I realize it, it’s one of my brothers and my partners, the war is a bit of a shock at first.”

After a sudden accident, while they were on a Straßenbahn eingeklemmt, Martin Kilian (left) came to life.
After a sudden accident, while they were on a Straßenbahn eingeklemmt, Martin Kilian (left) came to life. © Stephan Kilian

The last week after the Unfall was lost to Bruder Louis, the Düsseldorfer Marien-Hospital came to an end. So I want a single Rippenbrüche and Blessuren in het Gesicht erlitten. “Everything must be done in my life,” says Stephan Kilian. Trotz der Erleichterung, dass sein Bruder de Unfall vergleichsweise glimpseflich überstanden hatte, stellte themselves ihm and the rest of the family those Frage, whom the bevorstehenden Longzeitfolgen des Unfalls gemeinschaftlich aufgefangen were known.

Überlebenskampf: Lange Ungewissheit nach dem Unfall

For four weeks, Martin took Kilian to the intensive care station of the University Medical Center Düsseldorf and lived happily ever after. “It was relativly clear, that’s Martin, the falls are überlebt, dauerhafte Beinträchtigungen davontragen würde”, erzählt der Schwager. A subordinate bailiff for the couples’ home is that it will go bald if not taken into account – a costly expense. “It is not always the case that both of you can work independently,” says Stephan Kilian.

After the fall, Martin Kilian remained in intensive care for four weeks. As life went on, the war remained unclear for a long time.
After the fall, Martin Kilian remained in intensive care for four weeks. As life went on, the war was unclear for a long time. © Stephan Kilian

On September 15, a friend of Bruders gave Stephan Kilian the idea to start on the spending platform “GoFundMe”, and for Martin to “find his way to his life”, with Stephan Kilian concrete. If you want to spend more than 16,000 Euro, you can spend money here. “The Feedback was extremely valuable”, as stated by the Organizer of the Action. „I was very proud of the great Anteilnahme. I never had any experience, so I would be able to get there in the future.”

Positive results and great recovery efforts

After the start of the expenditure campaign, a positive approach follows: Martin Kilian was in the intensive care of the normal station, but it is not longer in the short term lifespan. If nun, with Stephan Kilian, started planning the next steps, the therapy could be expanded.

Another man who did Martin Kilian said who has not yet reached his Gliedmaßen, what his Schwager report is. “After all, the Wartelists in special clinics in Germany are very long,” this comes to mind. “We want to offer you optimal therapy options at the moment. If you use a private clinic, this is not in Ausland.” If you are faced with high costs, it is not that you are spending money. However, Jedoch says that the organizer has temporarily made the expenses of 45,000 euros in order to be able to pay: “People have noticed that there is a solution that you can take. Therefore, one of the first things that things do. We thank each other for. “