
This is the Food Trend from Germany

This is the Food Trend from Germany

Video: watson/emanuella kälin

23.09.2024, 09:4123.09.2024, 11:45

Dariusch Rimkus /

The Döner is the cornerstone of the German Fast-Food-Kultur. On the way home, during the Mittagspause or as a nightly snack after the club – the Döner is always present in Zweck and is not far away from the city.

No wonder, that is one of the most credible snacks in Germany gilded: cozy Fladenbrot, safe meat and fresh salad – for the perfect combination. If it is allowed, a small re-examination action quickly becomes bigger: Beim Essen saut man sich mal Richtig ein.

If you make a mistake or if you drink the meal from the bread. Jetzt gives a problem for the problem. The polarization is so right.

Döner in geschlossener Teigtasche soll «kleckerfrei» signal

Do you have a question about a possible «kleckerfrei» signal? There are a few nights when a few beers have come home and have been bought safely in one of the ways, know that feeling of pure happiness – that at the moment even from the side of the sock can not be mixed up.

Gerade wenn es aber mal zischen zwei Terminen schnell gehen muss and man keine Wechselkleidung – geschweige denn an Umkleidekabine – dabei hat, kann Tzatziki auf der Hose schonmal aine catastrophe bedeuten.

Here you can use the following «Ufo-Döner» halves. There is always something to be said in all things and everything: “Lecker statt klecker.”

The difference to the original doner bag is the bread: It is not good and least of all if there are no herausplompsen, least of all until the man who has taken the first bites. Statistics provide for a splashing grill for an artistic version of the doner during a bread jacket. The final product looks like a UFO.

Video: watson/emanuella kälin

Bisher a man can die in an imbiss in Hamburg. On a website of sogenannten «My Ufo GmbH» the restorers could appear at other locations in other cities.

Create a polarization on social media

On social media most things are possible. Of course it is true that a marketing company with a “feeling of prosperity” when the market comes to the market, first an alarm bell.

The fact that the UFO kingdom in Korea has lasted for a long time is that there is a big cloak and a free citizen who are probably sinful. On the Kebab that the Ufo-Technik uses, the «Döner-Back» is one of the following times in the German Supermarket in Handel:

Criticizing in a thread on Reddit User: This is the UFO döner who now has a schmackhaft: “That’s what those Billigwaffeln now dieses Mal pressed in Ufoform,” wrote one person.

Other products that make the product even easier and easier to clean: «Weer zu böd zum Döner essen ist, kommt keinen, ganz einfach.»

To others on the page who think there are many Döner fans who no longer want to put up with this unhealthy practice: ‘I know the UFO Burger in Asia and they were hot, without Döner in them. Want to test it!»

If the option is not so good, the search can go to more like Pluspunkt: “The drawers and the meat look like they should be tried.” Main issue, is bad.

From roads, that Auge isst mit … 😅

1 / 28

From roads, that Auge isst mit … 😅

Happy Halloween! Order it.

source: twitter

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