
It is the best way to use internet sticks

It is the best way to use internet sticks

On the road you often, never again, have to go via Hotspot Zugang to Wifi. With a surf stick you can go on a trip or make a trip and have your own Zugriff on the internet.

  • External WiFi is available and insecure
  • Surf stick as an alternative
  • Maximum flexibility is possible
  • No complizierte Installation
  • Big models for you

You can eat a lot in the park or in the restaurant Wi-Fi zuurreifen. If you have a hook, this is Techbook “meist langam and fast immer unsicher”. Do you use a Surfstick every day? online, if you want it most. You’ve got that self in hand, was most likely and enjoy Maximum flexibility. Of course it could be a fork, that’s it Router extended to home. Then you help me Internet Stick from the Patsche. You schließt denn Stick einfach now a deinen Computer and and it can be lost. You are obliged no complicated installation and no technicalities. In this article you will set the dir die Features of Surfsticks for and tell you, which models we can produceThe information for those articles has been given a Techbook content.

What is a Surfstick?

A surf stick is ready, that’s it your computer, tablet or notebook with internet access were possible. In der Regel hat dein Gerät no integrated mobile modemThe Surfstick is great Mobile radio frequency via UMTS or LTE an internet connection.

That’s what you think of it sister SIM card with a discounted rateThe different rate is no longer possible with a mobile radio provider.

If you have a tariff for your smartphone, this is possible, a Zweit-oder Familien-SIM card to ask.

Who should invest in a surf stick?

Bei der Anschaffung eines Surfsticks ist not the price separated. You need to test much more on Quality eight, if you are in a meaningful course of events surfing is the best.

It’s a shame to make a paint separation Speed ​​and compatibility of Surfstick and SIM card separated.

Make sure you get a stick that is maximally compatible, you will have to pay an amount of 50 euros. I follow the set with dir fun different internet sticks for which we offer you good heart recommended be able to.

What can the Dpofirs LTE 4G be?

The Dpofirs LTE 4G (view on Amazon*) ist USB modem and Dpofirs LTE 4G in einem. Integral is a 4G/3G+WiFi antennathat for Zuverlässigkeit and optimal Abdeckung quiet.

Up to six useful you can make a WLAN online connection. In practice, it is so that a large family has a large group that wants to make a trip and wants to go online while traveling.

The Stick can be a strong connection history with 100 Megabits for construction. Eine strong performancewith the Chat and play gar kein Problem ist. The Stick costs 25 Euro.

What could the D-Link DWM-222 be?

The DWM-222 from D-Link (see at Media Markt*) is a mobile phones Modem. If you want, you can do that and you want to go surfing. The connection is bald and the width of the tire is thanks Float 4G-LTE technology fully unpacked.

The Surfstick can be used over a believe Mobilnetz are being practiced. That integrated microSD cards points out an internal Extra Speicher of 32 Gigabyte on.

It is an antenna that offers a constant guarantee for a guaranteed connection, whatever you can do. The price is around 80 Euro.

Could a ZTE MF79U be Wingle?

This stick called ZTE MF79U Wingle (see*) doesn’t look good, it’s fine at Käufern von Amazon*en Ebay op de Kurs.

Both platforms are in Schnitt 4.3 out of 5 starsThe blessing is often used easy operation.

This Stick is also possible a reliable mobile function rate be closed. Those Surfing speed is comfortable en reicht zum Daddeln on internet. For that Surfstick you have to pay 37 Euro.

Was the TP-Link M7350 4G possible?

With the TP-Link M7350 4G (see Media Markt*) you can use it directly Router one, the mobile. Anyone who works at Dpofirs LTE 4G can use these devices to six User simultaneously be online. And that very swampy.

Der Akku des Routers is so grim, that’s right until eight o’clock expensive. If you have to pay 65 Euros and put a stick, then a family or a friend with an internet connection turned off.

Perfect for Urlaub, Ausflüge, Camping and Co.

Was the Huawei E3372h-320 LTE possible?

In the smartphone market, it has still become Huawei. If the Surfstick is used by the Company, you can use it.

The E3372h-LTE (at Amazon*) works with a smooth and easy operation. Here you can use the mobile funk and sim cards subscriptions for free. Ruck-zuck installedpoint the stick at a stable connection.

The Tolle: Self with other Windows versions or MacOS is the Huawei E3372h-320 LTE compatible. Price is under 50 Euro.

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