
Daniel Regenburger, Pangae Life: “The fact that we have little success in our future investments means that we have great potential in our future”

Daniel Regenburger, Pangae Life: “The fact that we have little success in our future investments means that we have great potential in our future”

Daniel Regenburger, Pangae Life: “The fact that we have little success in our future investments means that we have great potential in our future”

Photo: Die Bayerische/Pangaea Life

Daniel Regensburger, Geschäftsfuhrer von Pangea Life

Was there a potential contribution to the Sustainable Finance Theme? Which asset classes were considered attractive? Which sectors were subject to a sustainable investment violation? And were more green products available? A new study by Pangaea Life is an exciting experience here.

If you are getting a responsible money, you may want to distinguish one of the best asset classes. Is it possible that the investment class of the debt burden is affected, or your investments can be carried out in the future?

Aktien, Real Assets, buy or Krypto? Two clear favorites

Die Studienteilnehmer know two clear Favorite: Landing on the m ersten Platz with 17 Prozent der Antworten reale Sachwerte, worunter in der Umfrage exemplary infrastructure projects, Immobilien, Rohstoffe and der Bereich Energiezeugung were generated. With 16 Prozent you can follow Aktien shares, also Einzelaktien, ETFs, Aktienfonds. Kryptowährungen und Staats- und Uternehmensanleihen erwähnen fünf Prozent Befragten. Interesting: When the studies in the pocket have the greatest nachhaltige Wirkung experience, they are now 13 Prozent an, prepare themselves in this Anlageklasse investiert zu sein, bei Aktien were es im Vergleich 31 Prozent.

This may be interesting:

“An overview of the comprehensive asset class of the asset class is one of the most important factors that Real Assets offer the largest sustainable investments,” says Daniel Regensburger, Managing Director of Pangea Life. “If you look into the distance, the interest and analysis of the stock market is grim. Factors with transparency and agility lead to this, that more and more people in asset classes who invest in new energies, infrastructure projects or sustainable real estate are possible – often diversification in the best hand portfolios. If you invest in asset classes now, great potential is expected in the report. “

Sustainability at rest? No “Ukraine effect” on a broader basis

If you look at the EU taxonomy energiequellen with the atomic and energy sector – one of the best investments – if you know that there is a contradictory discussion, the Nachhaltigkeit is one of the most important investment sectors. Before the background of the Russian fears in the Ukraine vermehrt the fragmentation, or a rusty service as a nachhaltige anlage can not be performed. The research has now begun, whereby the sector ‘Security and Rust’ is expanded on the basis of a positive research: no new potential can be shown.

Otherwise, the assessment on the topic of “Energy”: Here you see 32 percent the big lever for a positive change in the financial system. Keep up with the technology on the ranking with 22 percent and the housing construction 20 percent.

If the rest sector between Ukraine and Krieg makes a difference, the interest in the Regenburger becomes greater as the direction of the interest becomes greater. Many redevelopments that the energy transition and the housing shortage in the city by investors do, work as a lever for positive changes. Through the young AI hype that plays a role, the technology in the research of sustainable investments and investments is won and of the large size of the coverage made possible, so Regensburger.

It is a good idea to use brands for their knowledge in a sustainable investment that goes beyond: a first set is transparent and prepared with 73 percent. These are the most recent investment activities with 70 projects and returns. If the sustainable result is no longer shown as hervömmliche products, see how fast it can be.

Would you like to continue investing in the world?

Do you have a question about the curious analysis of the study on the content of one of the fundamentals that you want to know: if you notice the problem, the personal analysis is a positive decision on a certain issue of the world that you can read? Die Ergebnisse zeichnen ein geteiltes Bild: Eine Mehrheit von 33 Prozent ist skeptisch und attestiert entsprechenden Produkten (eher) keinen Beitrag, gegenüber 26 Prozent, die in dieser Frage (noch) unschlüssig sind und 23 Prozent aller Teilnehmer, die von der positiven Wirkung grüner Investments (eher) überzeugt since.

‘Nevertheless, investments and uninterested companies, which are responsible for half of the investments, will be able to take over investments in secondary sectors. The power Mut, the enormous capital requirement, the future transformation in the coming years and years will be a common vote,” says the Pangea-Life-Geschäftsführer. Dennoch said it was very bad, but the industry did not notice because it was so, so Pangea Life-Geschäftsfüherer. „Bislang were now stipulated herein were, Funktion und Nutzen further Investments zu vermitteln. Der Finanzbildung – auch und gerade von Seiten der Vermittlerschaft – kommt in Zukunft noch more Bedeutung zu. Zuletzt liegt es ans Productgebern Vorfälle, die das Vertrauen in nachhaltige Product erodieren welding, with maximum transparency vorzubeugen“, so Regenburger critical.

Chance for consideration: You should also consider making investments regularly

The results said that Regensburg also, that on the subject of German consulting work best. Would you like to delete the study drivers, how often do you want to start with your investment investments at all? If all parts of the economy have a monetary coat of paint, then they are fractionated, which means that they can offer better Security, Yield, Sustainability and Flexibility in the future.

Infographic: Pangea Life YouGov Study “Nachhaltige Geldanlage 2024”

Annoyance: More if half of the results in your anlagen are less high (34%) or more soft (21%). Nur 13 Prozent beschäftigen sich weniger as eeninmal jährlich with my Investitionsentscheidungen. 21 Always continue your life Check again. This interest and the regulation of personal finances are high and a proactive action is being taken, which says that the Regensburger is overprotective. “Für Berater is a valuable occasion, because of my knowledge and ability to understand the background, understanding and orientation of the future,” so Regensburger

For the study „Nachaltige Geldanlage 2024“ there is a nachhaltige alternative and collected version of the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Yougov Mitte August 2.026 Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren befragen lassen.