
Döblinger Buchhandlung – Neueröffnung – Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels

Döblinger Buchhandlung – Neueröffnung – Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels

On the service day, on September 24 at 10 o’clock, is the time of the new, different Buchhandlung. The Döblinger Buchhandlung has a fast 100-year tradition of literary aftercare on location in the fortress Döblinger Hauptstraße 61. Sogar Thomas Bernhard guards himself in a literary verewigt. The mission is launched in the field of the scope and the atmosphere of an oasis for bookaffine and lesbegeisterte all alternative groups to buy.

It is a good idea to read and write a wide range of literature, books, books and children’s books, which fit your books. Personal Advice, a professional online store for adaptations, which does not last longer and informs – can buy the Döblinger Buchhandlung an inspiring Verbindung of Vergangenheit, Gegenwart and Zukunft.

On Freitag, den 27. September und Samstag, den 28. September, the Opening with a single Open House was celebrated: At 11 a.m. you will be able to enjoy your children’s news, at 15 p.m. Rotraut Schöberl & Erwin Riedesser (also known as Flores & Santana) zum Signier- und Plauderstündchen and at 5 p.m. Beate Maly. Am Samstag took part in Kurzlesungen from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. with Barbara Kadletz, Silvia Pistotnig and Stefanie Jaksch statt.