
Know the strategy for climate protection beforehand

Know the strategy for climate protection beforehand

SKILLMAN, New Jersey, USA –

Kenvue Inc. (NYSE: KVUE) (“Kenvue” or “Unternehmen”), der Hersteller von Kultmarken wie Aveeno®, Listerine®, Neutrogena® und Tylenol®, erzielt Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung seiner Klimaschutzziele, die in seiner Umwelt-, Sozial – und de Governance Strategy “Healthy Lives Mission” is a fact, a confirmed first message from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

“The publication of our TCFD report is a bigger issue for our proactive approach, the integration of climate protection into our business strategy, our operating objectives, our marketing chain and our marketed products,” explains Pamela Gill-Alabaster, Global Head of ESG and Sustainability at Kenvue. “We have come up with a good piece. Other people should look at our Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) research on gas emissions, and we have published our first Healthy Lives Mission Report, which provides an unanswered answer to a specific goal.”

The ‘Healthy Lives Mission’ is aware of the awareness, it is a good idea to start with one of the brought in things. Also Verbraucher recognizes that Conjunction: Let an online question5The beginning of the year in life, together with three of the inhabitants, is a joint relationship between human health and climate. After the cover has caused 86% of the damage, the climbing trails will become worse over the course of 5 to 10 years.

The climate protection and enlightenment of knowledge is the part of the ‘Healthy Planet’ strategy for the ‘Healthy Lives Mission’ strategy and the emphasis on the sustainability in all processes of human development – ​​from product and packaging design with regard to material development, recovery and transportation. The Healthy Lives Mission Report 2023 is published below the information provided in the following results:

  • Investments in energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects have been in a phase of Scope 1 and Scope 2 Treibhausgasemissions since 20201,2,3 led by 26%.

  • 21% of the world’s self-sufficiency has achieved a baseline for emissions reductions that enable the production of goods and services through transportation and transport.

  • Der Stromanteil aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen4 wurde auf 65% des Stromverbrauchs erhöht. You will benefit from 18 solar energy on-site storage at a standstill, energy savings for energy recovery4 and the Installation Zusätzlicher Solaranlagen am Standort.

  • On the Grundlage of the Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft hat Kenvue at the recycler of Anteil6 or to refill7 Packaging8 71% of portfolios are high and the volume of Neukunststoff9 for packaging8 reduced by 21%.

Starting from 2024, new solar energy and production facilities will be established in Sezanne (France) and Madra (Griechenland), which will generate 1.75 MW of capacity. 0.186 MW and more energy generated. Darüber is erwartet das Unternehmen die Fertigstellung weiterer Solaranlagen und seinen Produktionsstandorten in Kapstadt, South Africa, Minhang, China and Jakarta, Indonesia – weitere Schritte zur Umsetzung seines Ziels, bis 2030 hundert Prozent des betrieblichen Stromverbrauchs1 from erneuerbaren Energiequellen4 to cover.10,11

As the individual Scope-3-THG emissions go to address, Kenvue launched its Supplier Climate Action Program in July, its involvement in a number of transport and transportation business and services. Im Rahmen these programs of our partner partners can determine the basis of the erasure of the definitions and the carbonization of the bet on the way to the future. If you know the Energize program, the charities are high, your knowledge about the most energetic energies you use, and the possibilities of the spending – interwoven individuals or in the future with other charities.

Apparently, the business operations as a result of the security of the fortification can lead to an inner sector as a sectoral mountain range. It is the task of the Unternehmen activities to help Alliances, the research of climate protection companies and the network of net-zero sick people to work in a targeted manner by the WWF Climate Business Network and the WWF Renewable Thermal Collaborative. The first time that the Kenvue Mitglied der Climate and Health Coalition des Forum for the Future, an integrated transformation of human welfare and the climate that unfolded and was very much based on the ground, would consider humanity as one of the planets.

Kenvue’s 2023 Healthy Lives Mission Report is available at The full TCFD Report can be downloaded at

About Kenvue

Kenvue is the world’s healthiest lifestyle. Our cult brands Aveeno®, BAND-AID® Brand, Johnson’s®, Listerine®, Neutrogena® and Tylenol® are growing more than their own tradition. You can do a fundraiser and have a medical treatment at the Globus Market. At Kenvue we embrace and the strong influence of daily care on our quality of life. Our teams can tell you that this power in the hand of the consumer will earn a legen and a place in his heart and his everyday life. For more information, visit

Warning for future-oriented exits

This press conference has the “jukunftsgerichttetetete Aussagen” in the sin of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, especially in the context of the risks and chances of success with the “Healthy Lives Mission”, the Climate, the Wäldern and our ESG-Schätzungen, – Forecasts, – Souls, -Vorgaben, -Verpflichtungen und de erwarteten Ergebnissen. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen können anhand von Wörtern with „plant“, „erwartet“, „kann“, „wird“, „rechnet mit“, „schätzt“, „beabsichtigt“, „Ziel“, „Zielmarke“, „Verpflichtung“ and other Wörtern with the identification of identity. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen sollten not as verlässlich information were discussed. These excesses lead to serious erwartungen and proper honors. If you lie if Anna has a problem or takes a risk or takes a risk, you can abweich the tatsächlichen erheblich von de Erwartungen and Prognosen von Kenvue and seinen verbundenen Unternehmen abweichen.

Eine Aufstellung und Erläuterung von Risiken, Unwägbarkeiten et al. Factors finden with the Securities and Exchange Commission a submissive of Kenvue, einschließlich des Jahresberichte on Form 10-K for da am 31. December 2023 enende Geschäftsjahr en der nachfolgenden Quartalsberichte on Form 10 -Q en other eingereichter underlays, which are available at or at Anfrage at Kenvue. Know a number of tours with no representation, zukunftsgerichtte actualization, it is new information, zukünftiger Ereignisse or Entwicklungen or others from Gründen.


1 Bezogen auf all Einrichtungen von Kenvue, deren Betrieb von Kenvue gelettet wird, unabhängig von der Art des Gebäudes, alle leasten Einrichtungen, die für die Fertigung and/or Forschung und Entwicklung were genutzt, und leaste Einrichtungen, die nicht voor de Fertigung and/or other Forschung and Entwicklung will be, if the gesamtfläche exceeds 50.000 Quadratfuß (4.645 Quadratmeter) and your bet from Kenvue is used. The Vergleichsjahr 2020 and all subsequent messages are all e-devices, which will be integrated into Kenvue’s business structure after the takeover of Johnson & Johnson in the year 2023, and will be incorporated into small operations or structures. Scope 1 of the gas emissions, the Kenvue direkt verursacht, and by the Betrieb von Heizkesseln and Fahrzeugen, the fossil energy quellen used. Those Flottenemissions were treated as CO2 message and umfassen keine others Treibhausgasemissionen. Scope 2 sees as THG emissions the Kenvue indirect exploitation – by the Verbrauch van Strom or Energie, die zum Heizen und Kühlen van Gebäuden bezen.

2 The invention established the WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition 2013) with the Implementation Guide to this Protocol, GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (2015).

3 The emissions cause rapid release of emissions and the reduction of bioenergy substances.

4 An energetic energy source is an energy source, which can pass within a core of time through the öcological Zyklen or landwirtschaftliche processes (eg Biomass, Geothermal, Wasser, Sonne, Wind). De Ziele für die Nutzung von Strom aus neuerbaren Energiequellen were realized by the Combination verschiedener Maßnahmen, beispielsweise Solaranlagen am Standort, virtuelle Stromabnahmeverträge (VPPAs), direct Stromabnahmeverträge (PPAs), Energieattributzertifikate (EACs) – and can also be called “Zertifikate für neuer bare energy” are considered n“ ( RECs), and green single-trade associations.

5 The Ergebnisse Wurden Durch de Befragung von Mehr as 2,300 Erwachsenen in the states of Switzerland at the end of February and Anfang März 2024 Ermittelt.

6 As a gold-plated recycling of a packaging then, when it comes to sorting and recycling of the end-of-life version, the infrastructure for packaging, sorting and recycling is no longer paintable, a packaging that is no longer recyclable. The Association of Plastics Recyclers in the US has the best practice for the recycling jurisdiction of packaging made from plastic products. Note: Terms with „constructed for recycling“, „constructed for recycling“ and „recycling court“ were used synonymously and dieselbedeutung.

7 Apparently the definition of multi-way packaging as packaging units, which can be conceived in this way, the original packaging of the original packaging for the art of making products can be combined or these can be replaced and/or can be carried out, and the conscious choice of the reusability can be there, compensation They are systems that make the reusability possible.

8 Packaging can be viewed on direct ink packaging products and the possibility of not using all externally recovered products. The weight of plastic packaging will expand the volumes of the Business Plan 2024 and not be worthwhile. The volume of the Business Plan 2024 will therefore be a range of 9 Neuplastic is a new product from the synthetic resin, which are petrochemical Rohstoffen won in the world. It serves as a starting material for the repair of plastic products and can not be used or processed.

10 File management and message statistics address the technical criticisms of RE100 and have been made very good by CDP.

11 If you’re worried about the end of history, you can follow posts for years.

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Source: Business Wire