
Find “Carlotta” in the Happy End?

Find “Carlotta” in the Happy End?

Das Münchner Tierheim is a new home at a busy Haltern for Hündin Carlotta and Hund Pongo.

Munich – Mischlingshündin “Carlotta” came from Sizilien nach Deutschland in July 2024 Munich Animal Shelter. Now you are in a new home with people.

Dogs "Carlotta" originates from Sizilien and will be found in Germany ending in the Für-immer-Zuhause.

Hundin “Carlotta” comes from Sizilien and will end up in Germany in the Für-immer-Zuhause. © Image editing: Tierheim Munich (2)

Carlotta was born around January 2021, is gelding and cradles on a Schulterhöhe of beef 40 Zentimetern 14.5 Kilogramm.

Gegenüber in your company persons Carlotta is friendly, change and waste. Auch bei Fremden said that the little Lady is now born.

With art pleasure it is interpreted and it can be one of the four ways that it is transmitted – it is the sympathy.

Dackel look at the traffic jam in the window: Was sein Frauchen deshalb tut, rührt so vale
Dackel look at the traffic jam in the window: Was sein Frauchen deshalb tut, rührt so vale

Carlotta is interested in the spaziergänge for his environment and will be self-confident on the road. Everyday travel cannot be carried out. “If you have an aspiration and such an active person, who works in nature in nature, it is a matter of a smelling house with entsprechenden Rehephasen beets”, explain in your Pfleger.

If your Grunderziehung comes out of the closet, some nice halters can become a good Hundeschule. This is the best choice at Carlotta or Trainingsbedarf. In Tierheim, the time that Leishmaniasis and Ehrlichiosis are discussed.

Want to know most of Du Carlotta? Then report this under the telephone number 089/92100028 and oblige a term to be such.

Carlotta is a scammer and a very interesting person. Your new family would be one of the most important things you could do.

Carlotta is a scammer and a very interesting person. Your new family would be one of the most important things you could do. © Tierheim Munich

Tierheim Munich: Mischling “Pongo” wartet on the Gnadenhof on lovely Halter

Mixing "Pongo" Wünscht ich ein rufiges Platzchen bei erefahrenen Haltern.

Mischling “Pongo” wants a rough place at the yard. © Photomontage (2): Tierheim Munich

Auch der Herdenschutzhund-Mix “Pongo” is nor a Zuhause. From May 2024 it went to the Gnadenhof des Münchner Tierheims in Kirchasch.

Pongo was born in April 2020 and is Kastriert. With a Schulterhöhe of 63 Zentimetern there is 34 Kilogramm.

Whenever people think the sport is rude and needs to move, they always keep their distance.

Ausgesetzte Hündin irrt wochenlang durch Straßen - a small routine rettet in the hour of life
Ausgesetzte Hündin irrt wochenlang durch Straßen – a small routine rettet in the hour of life

A gas tour is not one of the leaders, but those passengers can be focused on it. The slow ones of the maulkorbs are wrong. Their members began to give the Charmeur a friendly atmosphere, while Rüden separated the Sympathy. Who is with other levels, can not be tested. If it is all possible, it is incomprehensible.

Der Rude sucht erfahrene Halter, die ihm ein stabiles Umfeld geben geben. Künftige Halter müssen weiter a seiner Grunderziehung work. Bestenfalls finds a place in a house with garden in a land environment with children.

If Pongo has a chance, it will probably be a phone number 0176/46192281 more information about Gnadenhof.