
Zwischen Boom and Burnout: Start-Up-Gründer under Druck

From left to right: Dr. Sebastian Rakers, Gründer Bluu Seafood; Dr. Kolja Beltrop, Gründer E-Lyte Innovations; Dr. Ralf Wagner, Gründer E-Lyte Innovations; Johannes Laier, Gründer WeSort.AI; Nathanael Laier, Gründer WeSort.AI

Startup-Gründer müssenvelden Erwartungen dish zijn. The great Arbeitsbelastung und der Druck, de ide öchliche olgreich umzusetzen, können Psyche und private Beziehungen.24.09.2024 | 28:30 minutes

The lakes – Sebastian Rakers dreams of it, says it is as a small young film about Haie. First study of lake biology, then research is as a scientist for the Fraunhofer Institute, who of people the Ocean influence is.

The start of 2019 is the biotech startup “Bluu Seafood”. With the recovery of fish products from seared fish cells, the overload of more camps will arise.

"WISO Documentation: Durchstarten in die Zukunft - Können grüne Startups are no longer active?": Sebastian Rakers is in Seinem Labor. In the hand there is a glass wallpaper, which gives a wonderful feeling in the fish dishes.

Sebastian Rakers is fighting with his start-up “Bluu Seafood” to get to work on the lake.

Source: ZDF/Marvin Vering

About the proper tax limits

Rakers is Feuer and Flamme and thanked for starting a Start-Up Idea. After all, the first Euphoria is always the same when it comes to having a good night and a happy night, it is worthless: “Gründen ist für my Freiheit: I can be free and different, when I set priorities. After this theme, my work was very interesting – That is unpleasantly painful.”

As Rausch a man moves beyond his own boundaries.

Sebastian Rakers, founder of “Blue Seafood”

Jacob slid frontally into the room and held his hand and the rudder. His head is sucked high and his cheeks blown up. At the height of the head is a quickly instructive battery.

Sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties and inner turmoil: is burnout a timeless phenomenon? Or do you have more stress in general than previous generations?16.03.2023 | 11:21 min

Mental problems with the feeling of the gründer

Sleep disturbances, tension disturbances, inner turmoil – as a symptom, a burnout can occur. When increasing the risks for the greater part of the enterprise, the growth is likely: a poor work-life balance, the other efforts to increase the interest and to make up the balance of the investment funds for the duration of the investment.

Stage Live Event Deutscher Gründerpreis

Quelle: Deutscher Gründerpreis

The finalists for the German Gründerpreis 2024 stehen fest. The renowned Economic Award is carried out by the Unternehmensgründern in ZDF-Hauptstadtstudio feierlich übergeben. Watch the Veranstlatung on September 24, 2024 from 8 p.m. here in the livestream.

Half of the Start-Up Gründer started with the Abgang from their own Unternehmen. A sister-and-sister pressure goes through the investor: Während der Zeit des billigen Geldes und de Wagniskapitalgebern großzügig. They pump millions into start-ups. Viele Gründer setzten auf Selbstausbeutung ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.

Christman: "More positive trend" at Start-ups

“Unser Ziel ist es, die Start-ups zu unterstützen”, in Form von Finanzierungen und mit Fachkräften, so Anna Christmann (Grüne), Bundesbeauftragte für Digitale Wirtschaft und Start-Ups.17.09.2024 | 5:16 minutes

Mittlerweile is the Euphoria verflogen. The Gründer brands, that is the feeling that the game has played. With the investors, the Millionen is not more than a safe. This power is for the Gründer schwieriger geld-einzamimmeln.

With professional training to remove “mental strain”.

The Accountability for the Millions, which my Investors represent, is a standard that is not new for Investors’ money that is taxed by Rakers. 23 Millions Euro had been obtained from Investors and ready to be given out.

After the depression, Lesely (in the picture) now lives as a mountain farmer in the Swiss Alps. It is a depressive phase that can lead to major problems.

After a burnout and therapy, Lesly started a new life in Bergen. The depressive phase is not gone, but it will be different.04.03.2024 | 14:42 minutes

The tension, which is a job with a house, burdened with the burden of his wife. Rakers see the travel line and engage a coach. Seitdemt der Familienvater with them “Mental load” as Gründer besser zuur and other Gründern dazu, sich ebenfalls professional help to give.

It is never something that a Gründer abrackert is, but it is a merger – recurrence in itself, nor the Start-up.

Sebastian Rakers, founder of “Blue Seafood”

The Hamburg Biotech founders Rakers commented on the fact that their Coach is dealing with the pressure and stress.

Coaching Budget for Investitionssicherung

Many large investors respond mittlerweile to the listings of their Gründer and Steuern active day – and reimburse their Start-Ups Budget for the Coaching offer or the selected Coaching networks.

For investors, it is their own interest that is holding back growth and the board. When Australians came from abroad, the startups went to work and dropped their own investments.

Geschäftidee: Gründer helfen Gründern

The need for support is so great that a certain founder of the theme can be seen as a business idea. Among others, Gerjet Gefken, who founded a start-up herself in 2018 and suffered a burn-out. Together with psychologist Natascha Prieß, she founded “Accelerate health” in 2022.


Was this the moment to take us out?10.03.2023 | 5:05 minutes

Roots are out of here, Impossible to do. It is often a matter of own limits. If the problem no longer works, this can take a long time.

Natascha Prieß, Gründerin “Accelerate health”

Das Start-Up works in Kooperation with Accelerator Programs and Wagniskapitalinvestors Coachings and Workshops for Gründerinnen and Gründer an.

Wesentlich is the “Peer-to-peer-Ansatz”. Gründerinnen and Gründer spread their energy and notes. The Erfahrung says: All knowledge is present, others are in a different situation Situation behind the affected person.

Glühbirne: Dare to eat whole tree with snow and grass

Our Wirtschaft will become sustainable and climate neutral. Can the transformation end or bring about a “green economic miracle”?23.09.2024 | 42:48 minutes