
Was it with their expectations of the restaurant itself?

Was it with their expectations of the restaurant itself?

  1. wading
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

Was it with their expectations of the restaurant itself?
Directly in front of the A1 Auffahrt and the Anschlussstelle Hamm-Bockum/Werne, it’s time to get in Gebäude leer. At the Lost Place you trade in a great restaurant. © Hannah Decke/

The A1 made a mistake in replacing the brand name while traveling. Früher war is an innovative restaurant, the short after its opening pleaded.

Werne – Tausende fahren tagch daran vorbei. Were you in Hamm coming from the Anschlussstelle Hamm-Bockum/Werne on the A1 road, you can see – in the Reihenfolge – a Tankstelle, a Fast-Food-Riesen and a expected House. One problem, it will take years before it lasts longer.

Mysteries are discovered while traveling – and more lost places are urgently needed

A classic autumn of a lost place. The field on the Nordlippestraße is closed. The window in the rotten Backsteinhaus is partly sprayed, even larger parts are slammed and collapsed. A user on the social media platform Reddit is said to have performed a miracle during the life of his brand, “which is so bad”. And further: “I am interested in what the building has to offer.”

At the Lost Place you trade in a great restaurant. In November 2001, the Ofra business group at the location in Werne opened its first 100 federally planted restaurants. It is worth using a new car company. If it does not last long and the restaurant is calling for a restaurant, then NRW-Autobahn 1 is probably closed. Make sure you learn quickly a few years.

Much has passed since then. The inscription “Restaurant” is no longer in the building to see. In the area of ​​the kitchen table, most car manufacturers can only notice that it has faded, that they have fallen. A sign “Herzlich willkommen – Restaurant & Biergarten” is still not ready. The clock, the one from the Autobahnzubringer is now gone, but it still takes a long time.

Viel Müll and Unrat am Lost Place an der A1 near Hamm-Bockum/Werne

The inside of the fire brigade said it was an impetus for destruction, with a YouTube video released in 2014. Zerstörtes Mauerwerk. Löcher in den Wänden. Demolierte Fliesenspiegel, vermutlich in der früheren Küche. Auf ein Restaurant weist nicht mehr sonderlich fell hin.

If the following people take a look at the Stadt Werne zu kämpfen. Construction of the zunehmenden Müllberge – on the site of the nearby Fast-Food-Riesen McDonald’s – the municipality in the Kreis Een has become active and how the Ofras-Gelände is growing up orderly. Aktuell habe die Stadt keine Probleme dieser Art – was vor allem daran liege, “this dies Privatgelände ist und somit sich natürlich der Eigendom um eine eventuelle Müllentsorgung kümmern muss”, erklärt Ralf Bülter, Leader of these Plans and Construction of the City Werne, on Nachfrage von wading: “Sollte does not die hereafter, then he is the sister member of the Kreis Unna.”

Moreover, vandalism appears to be the most common offense. In the past 12 months (as of September 2024) “we have a small police force”, who is responsible for the corresponding police department. wading Mitteilte: „The consideration of the raw materials and the flowers can lead to a penalty.”

More unclear possession

Mangels Masse would no longer have time to prevent bankruptcy. The Firm involved will be gone. So there is no one who sits on the paper for the wasted or responsible war of the Gebäude.

Lost Places is located in NRW in Genüge. In Dortmund, another hotel is hidden in the vicinity of the Westfalenhalle. The Lost-Place-Szene is fascinated by the bunker of the B1.