
Angesprochen auf Papa Boris responds with Anna Ermakova in the end

Angesprochen auf Papa Boris responds with Anna Ermakova in the end

Rund eine Woche is now her, Boris Becker (56) and Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro (34) in Portofino are his heirs. The photos of the marchenhochzeit went around the world – and were hidden from view by the signalman Tochter Anna Ermakova (25). They, unlike Söhne Elias (25) and Noah (30) with Barbara Becker (57), never charged. Warum eigentlich not?

Anna Ermakova war against Boris Beckers Hochzeit nicht dabei is celebrating its 24th anniversary at the “Almauftrieb” in the legendary Käfer-Wiesn-Schänke. Fitting for the event, she is wearing a Dirndl, just like Mama Angela (56). It is the first Oktoberfest that you can find on When the theme has appeared on Papa Boris and the high time has fallen, it stops radiating the right. Your message has ended.

Das Interview gibt’s im Video oben.

The exclusive image of the Traumhochzeit in Portofino

Kürzlich hat der Wimbledon-Held first time talked about the Trauung. “If it was authentic, if it was real and if it was a magical living experience, it was not forgotten,” said Boris Becker (56) in the British “Hello” Magazine.

“Alles weinten, mich eingeschlossen”, is said by the ehemalige Profisportler. How would you like to have your own experience in the small Fischerdorf in Genoa? This is an answer: “We live in Italy and spend some time in Portofino. We live here in Italy and are able to enjoy a great connection with Portofino.”

The exclusive BUNTE-Bilder der Traumhochzeit will be available in the video.