
Lufthansa Cargo integrates SAF costs into general air freight surcharge

Lufthansa Cargo integrates SAF costs into general air freight surcharge

Lufthansa Cargo integrates SAF costs into general air freight surcharge, © Lufthansa Cargo

A Boeing 777F of Lufthansa Cargo at Entladen von Luftfracht.

©Lufthansa Cargo

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Lufthansa Cargo has started to include the costs for additional fuel (SAF) from January 1, 2025 in the Preisindex ihres Luftfrachtzuschlags (Airfreight Surcharge, ASC) einfließen lassen, which is the Unternehmen am Dienstag mitteilte.

The Kranich-Frachtsparte cannot cover the costs of the SAF control service, it says. Lufthansa Cargo is pursuing a political strategy for a legally viable freight market.

“SAF is for sustainable flying a decisive technological key and essential for the energy transition in aviation. However, the aviation industry alone cannot initiate a legally viable SAF market”, according to Lufthansa Cargo. A larger SAF deployment is now possible, when fear and sales “rise sharply and the price that is expressed sink”.

The ASC existed since the year 2015 and went from Lufthansa Cargo to the flight with zus-tzlichen kosten, which by our Unternehmen would no longer be influenced. It is so that you can expect all higher prices for treibstoff, water and sicherheit.

Lufthansa itself has implemented an environmental service. The Passage-Airline will start from 2025 with special plans for air travel in the EU, Great Britain, Norway and Switzerland. The costs lie for Strecke is silent about 72 Euro.

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