
Neue Adipositas-Station am St.-Marien-Hospital next to the Fertigstellung

Neue Adipositas-Station am St.-Marien-Hospital next to the Fertigstellung

The two Bettenstations im Neubau des St.-Marien-hospitals in Friesoythe stehen kurz voor der Fertigstellung. Ab Anfang November sollen sie in Betrieb gehen. Trotz steigender Patientenzahlen kämpft das Krankenhaus met financial recovery orders.

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Frisian shuffleboard – The Neubau of the St. Marien Hospitals is part of the craftsman in Endspurt: Während in Erdgeschoss noch der Estrich der Operationssäle gegossen wird, geht es im ersten and zweiten Obergeschoss schon a farben and Fototapete. “The construction work has been completed, which means that care will be completed in November,” said Geschäftsführer Bernd Wessels. “Wir wollen da Anfang November rein.”

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When you perform a task, it is wise to complete the military service. At the time, St. Marien Hospital had three stations with 40 beds, then two stations with 60 beds. It is good that there is a new service and cleaning plate. Secondly, the patients of the fish surgery will get an illness, and also the obesity patients of Dr. Ralf Weise will see all the others, who are operated on in the Bauchraum. Make sure that the rooms and bathrooms are clearly marked for more weighty people. So it is the burden of the support of the care staff that the baths are of a greater dimension than the usual hospital Nasszellen.

Viel Platz für die Pflege von moreweightigen Patients gibt es in de Bädern der Adipositas-Station. Photo: Eva Dahlmann-Aulike

Viel Platz für die Pflege von moreweightigen Patients gibt es in de Bädern der Adipositas-Station. Photo: Eva Dahlmann-Aulike

I started with the geriatric and emergency surgery unit first. “We must share our experiences,” Wessels said. “If we are ever to become more friends, it will never happen again.” Abgemeld – for non-patients, who are assessed with a rescue car. If the war in the past months is a problem, the St. Marien Hospital has become war. If you are passionate about your illness, more patients with antockenden examinations can be isolated at a certain stage and then all the rooms can be occupied.

Also never leave the hospital-anbau bereits Formen an. Gerade ist der Schriftzug be installed. Photo: Eva Dahlmann-Aulike

Also never leave the hospital-anbau bereits Formen an. Gerade ist der Schriftzug be installed. Photo: Eva Dahlmann-Aulike

Grundsätzlich läuft is very good in Friesoyther Krankenhaus: “We will have more patients, we will have more of them in 2019,” said Wessels. 4500 were at the end of August 2019 at the end of August 2019 at the same time with the Kreißsaal und Geburtsstation, in the same year they were at the same time as 4300 patients – without any entbindungen. It is different – who quickly owns the Republik – on the financial page of: Wessel’s net for those years with a minus of one million euros. “Das wird – who planted – so come,” it says. Who are passionate konnte? “We will have had the same tariffs for 12 to 14 years,” says Wessels. However, the basis for the treatment – ​​the treatment, the care for the health care treatment has been laid down – since 5.3 Prozent angehoben be: “That is the end of everything, don’t complain. If you are a grateful person, it is no longer possible to speak with all meanings.” The St. Marien Hospital has developed a long-term economic plan and wollen Mittelfristig wieder in “grauen Bereich” land.

There is more information about the quality: Hendrik Vahle from Friesoythe nahm bisher 160 Kilo ab.

New business manager

Since September, Wessels new Kollegin in Geschäftsführung: Yvonne Westerheide from Werlte. “I wasn’t very nervous about a new Stelle. “I feel safe,” said. “The team and the house are bright”. Westerheide is a diploma-kauffrau in the Gesundheitswesen, which is a Krankenhäusern in NRW and Lower Saxony, and is waging war against the Leiterin des Medizincontrollings und der Leistungsabrechnung in Christlichen Krankenhaus Quakenbrück.

Excellent: Chefarzt Dr. Ralf Weise and the team from the Friesoyther Adipositas-Zentrums who presented the first class.

Eva Dahlmann-Aulike