
Mann and Scholz collect medals at Halbmarathon-DM

Mann and Scholz collect medals at Halbmarathon-DM

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Mann and Scholz collect medals at Halbmarathon-DM
Hugo Mann (left) from TSV Penzberg won the Silber medal in the M70 Class at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg. © Private/Karin Mann

At the Halbmarathon-DM athletes from the rural district, who can deal with sports problems. I am interested in Wettkampf but that is not the case.

Hamburg – The Hanseatic City of Hamburg War Schauplatz der deutschen Meisterschaft auf der Halbmarathon-Distanz. You will be welcomed into the country with your medals, after which you will be able to complete 21.1 kilometers during the day.

Hugo Mann keeps Silber at Halbmarathon-DM

It was quiet when Hugo Mann (Jg. 1954) received a silver medal as an Auszeichnung bezeichnet, “with the start of a successful start”. The Penzberger is included in the M70 Class in the best Läufern in Ganz Deutschland. So what would you do if you were following the national title championships in the 10 kilometer route if your marathon jewels had won gold. All kinds of – and so the Aussage erklärbar – will play the match and the Halbmarathon-DM in the Faden. In Vorfeld, the athlete from the TSV Penzberg is at camp with a disability.

Hugo Mann (right) vom TSV Penzberg at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg; Silver in the M70 Class.
Hugo Mann (right) vom TSV Penzberg at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg; Silver in the M70 Class. © Karin Mann

Das Unheil nahm beim Hohenburger Schlosslauf seinen Lauf. The Cross-Wetbewerb nutzte Mann as letzten Test for the Masters-WM in Gothenburg. Auf der langen Bergab-Passage in Richtung Ziel zog sich der Penzberger eine leichte Zerrung zu, “der ich aber im Ziel keine große Bedeutung beimaß”. If the following workouts are repeated over time, soda is an alternative program – Radeln, Bergsteigen und dergleichen – ausweichen mustste.

Hugo Mann, Leichtathlete from TSV Penzberg at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg; Silver in the M70 Class.
Tactical scrambling: Hugo Mann from TSV Penzberg took silver in the M70 Class. © Private/Karin Mann

In Gothenburg, Mann has to leave the start of the 5 kilometer route. The Penzberger could tackle the next 10-kilometre road races “with more freshness as soon as possible”. During the fast-moving Bergauf-Bergab-course there is a time of 41:57 minutes and the second place “entirely free”.

(Our Weilheim-Penzberg newsletter regularly informs you about all the important stories in the region.)

I am aware of the German Meisterschaft, so Mann can shorten his next Interval training. It was nice to see that the DM reported that “I would like to be able to take care of the sightseeing without having to worry about racing.” There are certain alternatives for training, “ensprechend gedämpft were my experiences”.

“Ordentlich Muskelkater” after the Wettkampf

Most woolen of the Penzberger versions, as long as possible with the competitors’ mitzuhalten. So it’s better to start off in the treasures of Egbert Zabel (Cöthener FC Germania), one of the favorites in the end. Bei bestem Laufwetter und auf Recht flachem Rundkurs blieb Mann lange am Konkurrenten dran. Only after the kilometer that has to be covered, “I will be able to enjoy some light musk healing spürte”. The Tempoverringerung will ensure itself: “I had a good life.”

(Our Schongau newsletter regularly informs you about all important developments in the region.)

At kilometer 16 the Pacemaker goes for a time of 1:30 hours to Mann. „Leader“, who is concrete. This verlor is not longer than 1:30:57 hours, it is a sweat, with 30 secondary education on the Drittplatzierten, the Ziellinie. Zabel looks with 1:28:15 Hours Gold geholt. For Mann came “das Hamburg-Abenteuer erfreulich” right, wenngleich with “ordentlich Muskelkater and the Folgetagen”.

Christian Scholz has a personal best practice

De Vorbereitung War beileibe nicht aus dem Lehrbuch verlaufen, aber was soll’s. Am Ende stand Christian Scholz (Year 1969) with the Bronze Medal on the place of the M55-Class, a personal bestleistung-war in the obendrein-gelungen. If it is a good idea, “who can have it”, so the Peitinger. “Man does not learn from. “

Christian Scholz (right) from Peiting von der LG Allgäu at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg; Bronze in the M55 Class.
In the Circle of the Best: Christian Scholz (right.) from Peiting from the LG Allgäu Bronze in the M55. © Private

In August he said that weeks before the Wettkampf, that Scholz would finally no longer be Schmerzen. A bridge in Talus-Knochen in Fuß had long been cleansed. Scholz had also offered a club from the LKG Allgäu in the airport and hotel. ‘I thought, so the power is a question of sin.’ If the Umbuchung is achieved like this, it is worth staying close by. Once you know how to do it, Scholz orders a hearty training program. Two weeks before the DM stuff are in South Tyrol a program with a 37-kilometer run and more 20-kilometer fly-out. Hinzu comb another “Radtag” comes from Stilfser Joch. Danach war a week of regeneration angesagt.

(The Heimatzeitungen in the Weilheim-Schongau district are “merkur_wm_sog” on Instagram vertreten.)

In Hamburg schließlich konnte Scholz „abliefern“, wie zufrieden sagt. If a medal has been examined, this is not the case. If you are on the starters list, if you are in class eight athletes, the notifications will be made as before. Gleichwohl galt für Scholz: „I was willing to speak.“ And that is the end of the road.

Christian Scholz (left) from Peiting von der LG Allgäu at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg.
Christian Scholz (left) from Peiting von der LG Allgäu at the Halbmarathon-DM in Hamburg. © private

The start is oriented towards Peitinger and Guido Vollkommer (Hannover 96), and I am happy with the 10-kilometre-DM in Leverkusen the Bronze Medal removed hate. But Scholz war diesmal besser drauf, zog nach fun Kilometern bereits davon. At kilometer 19, we passed by the Peitinger schließlich de diesem Zeitpunkt drittplatzierten Jens Peter (LTV Ober㈠eichsfeld), there ihm bis zu der Meisterschaft unbekannt war. Bis ins Ziel lief Scholz noch een Vorsprung von elf Sekunden heraus. With the personal assessment of 1:18:39, the representation of the Oberbayer is sick.

Christian Scholz (right) from Peiting; here together with team colleagues from LG Allgäu at the Halbmarathon-DM 2024; Bronze in the M55 Class.
Christian Scholz (right) from Peiting; here together with team colleagues from LG Allgäu at the Halbmarathon-DM 2024; Bronze in the M55 Class. © Private

The title hollowed Top favorite Miguel Molero-Eichwein (1:11:07) from Spiridon Schleswig. This is a personal best time and lie in der DLV annual list in the M55 class in first place. Silver went to Ludger Schröer (1:17:43) of the Laufgruppe Deiringsen.