


Musk’s X Corporation has ceased operations and has now stopped implementing targeted directives in Brazil.

Elon Musk’s

The Oberste Gericht van

X wurde Ende August in Brasilien aufgrund seiner Nichterfüllung von Anordnungen des Höchstgerichts bezüglich der Hassrede-Moderation auf der Platform blocked.

Everything relates to X in the sense that time has passed well, the recommendations of the courts are initially no longer applicable, but it is not possible to meet the requirements.


In a Samsagent divorce, Judge Alexandre de Moraes X of Tage Zeit, a trade register and other documents, which Belgians, that X officially named Rachel de Oliveira Conceicao as his Brazilian Rechtsvertreter.

Brazilian law is one of the domestic legal cases that is a legal entity, a domestic of the landsgeschäfte-tätigen zu können. The gewählte Vertreter würde the local lawful Enlightenments in the names of the Unternehmens-übernehmen.

X had a rights representative in Brazil until Mid August, before joining your e-enrollment and your local personal spending.

This separation followed a long series of Musk and Moraes über Zensur described.

The Brazilian Supreme Court orders the X determined Accounts sperren muss, which were analyzed in Zusammenhang mit Hassrede and false information, and that is punishable up to 15 Million Real (or 3 Million US-Dollar) zahlen muss, um das Verbotzuheben.

If you warn

It is unclear, although Accounts X was suppressed, that the Untersuchung is traulich.

Obwohl X für kurze Zeit am Mittwoch für vale Nutzer in Brasilien zugänglich war, nachdem ein update seines Kommunikationsnetzwerks die targeted Sperre ugging, eröffnet Wiederaufnahme signaler Betriebungen . This separation may occur as part of the huge tech giants in dealing with inhaled moderation considerations in the tech sector.

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