
Südland Köche Schwarzwald-Baar – Feinschmeckerabend am 14. October

Südland Köche Schwarzwald-Baar – Feinschmeckerabend am 14. October

Das Feinschmeckerabend der Südland Köche Schwarzwald Baar Heuberg finds in diesem Jahr im besonderen Ambiente statt. Im Hotel Öschberghof in Donaueschingen tischen am 14. Oktober sieben Spitzenköche culinary Köstlichkeiten auf.

Das einst in der Neuen Tonhalle in Villingen und später mehrfach in de Räumen von Küchen Hölzle in Villingen ausgerichtte kulinarische Fest wanders through the Baar. “Wir wollen von der als Massenevent beganeten Veranstaltung in eeninen intimeren, exclusiveeren Rahmen lowerern,” says Erich Schütz. There is an Editor and Herausgeber des Restaurant Guides “Die Südlandköche”, and the organization of the Veranstaltung can be together with Njoschi Weber for many years. Seine Mission: “The Black Forest Region of the Culinary Diaspora Holen.”

When it comes to hospitality, the district can continue to offer first-class fine dining addresses for a number of years. Seven of the best kitchens from the southwest were transformed into a culinary Schlaraffenland in the Festsaal of the Hotel Öschberghof.

That’s what it’s all about

These excellent menu items are presented with Genuss and Gaumenfreude: mildly seasoned Saibling fillet, Kalbshirn-Velouté with Pfifferlingen, Lammschulter with Pecorino and creamy Polenta, rosa gegarter Sauerbraten, Steinbutt in Kaffee-Gewürzruste, geschmorte Ochsenbäckchen with roter Bete and Färöer La chs with Lachskaviar.

It could be interesting

Black Forest Bar

From roads Schnellrestaurant: Who is in the ehemaligen Diskothek Delta wirklich weitergeht

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This Cook Will Change the Menu

If the best value for money is the most valuable, Zufall is not. With Manuel Ulrich, Küchenchef in Ösch Noir (two Michelin Sternes and four black Gault Millau Haubens) and Jason Grom von der Burg in Aasen (one Michelin Stern and two Gault Millau Haubens) they became two Sterne and Haubenköche der absolute Extraklasse with my team signal. Auch die übrigen Köche – Alexander Rapp (Café Rapp, Buchenberg), Thomas Reutlinger (Gasthof Adler, Tennenbronn), Marco Garofalo (Schützen, Donaueschingen), Michael Preis (Flair Hotel Grüner Baum, Donaueschingen) and Tobias Maier (Ringhotel Johaniterbad, Rottweil) – with my credit, the kitchen party could become a culinary experience.

Brainstorm about the Speisekarte. So if you are a Topköche-gedanken-machen, with welchen culinary Köstlichkeiten ...

Brainstorm about the Speisekarte. So if you have top chefs to thank for your kitchen, you can enjoy the stay at the kitchen festival at the Öschberghof verwöhnen wollen (from left): Marco Garofalo, Michael Preis, Alexander Rapp, Thomas Reutlinger, Jason Grom, Tobias Maier and Manuel Ulrich . | Image: Sprich, Roland

With the Wahl des Veranstaltungsorts, the organizers Erich Schütz and Njoschi Weber at the Hemmschwelle for Feinschmecker-senken. The wollen people in the Öschberghof locken, “who were not likely to suffer in the first place, would come here”. The prize for the Gaumenfest is worth the Schütz as “Gift of the Cooking in the Region”.

Here is the map

Pre-sale has started. Tickets for the Kitchen Festival on Monday, October 14, from 6:30 p.m. can be reserved for 75 euros per person (without drinks) directly at the Hotel Öschberghof under the number 0771 84610.

It could be interesting

Black Forest Bar

The first DS badges have hit the streets!

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