
The Luftfahrtverband will use E-Fuels

The Luftfahrtverband will use E-Fuels

The Luftfahrtverband will use E-FuelsThe Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft (BDL) can späteren on climate-cleaner Treibstoffe. “Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, die Plane einer 2026 vorzoeten nationalen Beimischungsquote von PtL-Kraftstoff zu begraben”, said BDL-Hauptgeschäftsführer Joachim Lang of the “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Mittwochausgabe). If a substance is removed from green hydrogen and CO2 storage, Power-to-Liquid (PtL) will never be mixed in large quantities on the market again. When it comes to the plans, the multi-million dollar sector is creating “absurd politics”.

Gleichzeitig verabschiede ich de Ampel von der Vereinbarung, een der Luftverkehrsteuer entsprechende Summe für die Förderung von nachhaltigem Flugtreibstoff auszugeben. On January 1, 2025, a Beimischungsquote von zwei Prozent was gilded after EU law. From 2030 onwards the Quote will increase after 1.2 Prozent PtL will be released. Deutschland would have a PtL-Quote einführen in 2026. “Many projects have been carried out, but only a small quantity of 50,000 tons has been ordered,” Erklärte Lang said. Laut, the chief lobbyists of the Luftverkehrsbranche benötigt Deutschland for the Anfang Ungefährdrei Productionsanlagen, which restore nachhaltigen Flugtreibstoff in industrial massstab. “The two more costs and 2.5 billion Euros will also be responsible for financing the transportation costs over a few years,” said Lang. “Jetzt Berlin will be happy and will stop the two milliards of people in the Haushaltslöcher”, criticism from BDL-Chef. “Damit is responsible for the Federal Government’s own Climate Change”. If the EU Commission has the Mitgliedstaats Mitgeteilt, the national rules of the PtL no longer apply to the EU Regulation, so long. “The Federal Government is also held in accordance with European law. And if the ministry has no power at all, there is a separation from the Chancellery,” said the Verbandschief.

Photo: Kerosene-Tankstelle (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur