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Bad Doberan. See more as zwei Jahren is Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Beuter Besitzer des Grundstücks an der Marktstraße 2. The Bad Doberaner had the Schandfleck vom ehemaligen Besitzer purchased, and here a living and Geschäftshaus zu errichten. But statt Weinhändler, Möbel-Ausstatter and Bewohnern are one of the Stelle not even a Bauloch. It is possible that the assembly will take place here. “We will continue to enjoy the end-good immunity of the Germans,” said Heinz-Jürgen Beuter.

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If the project takes that long, there is nothing to worry about. „I have bought the basic material with a great deal of construction work“, said Beuter. Once planning has started, a new construction action must be carried out. “Dabei went es um die Höhe des Gebäudes. It has been a long time since all Gremien have experienced this.” But it is wolle gar nicht zurückblicken. “I am happy, that is more than enough.”

View into Baustelle an der Markstraße 2 in Bad Doberan. The work on the Living and Geschäftshaus will continue until later in the next few years.

View into Baustelle an der Markstraße 2 in Bad Doberan. The work on the Living and Geschäftshaus will continue until later in the next few years.

Living for 4200 Euro pro Quadratmeter-entstehen in Bad Doberan

On the Marktstraße 2 seien jetzt sechs Eigentumswohnungen and two Geschäfte planted. In most cases there is an online store and a hotel mobility service. Ursprünglich were mal eight Wohnungen vorgesehen. If you see that it is better to leave the market street, then the market street becomes safer, and therefore better.

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For the house with a large height of 80 to 90 square meters there is an area of ​​interest, i.e. the project tentwickler. The Quadratmeter costs 4200 Euro. Heinz-Jürgen Beuter rechnet jetzt met een Bauzeitraum von sechs Monaten en hofft, dass die kostenloser Wohnungseigentümer Ostern 2025 einziehen.

The final immunization of the pre-vaccinators has come to an end.

Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Beuter

Land owners

“The end light was here,” said Rosemarie Straphel. That 77 year old in 1985 in Bad Doberan, could still be another Wohnhaus, that is the first stand here. „I was happy, that was my last effort.“ 27 years ago, Markstraße 2 remained a city building disaster. Der Besitzer wants a housing and Geschäftshaus-bauen, there is of the Fundament, a Leiter-kletterte is in the Baugrube, lebte dort immer mal wieder in a Wohnwagen.

Anträge von Bürgern ohne Erfolg

Comments on the citizens’ views on the construction aspects of the health care environment were assessed in 2019 and 2020 in both the construction areas of Rostock. In both cases, the fact that the Baurecht festivities were continued could not have been so great that the architectural writing could have happened.

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Read more about the Display

Weil is out of money, but it is not the case that the damage in November 2021 is caused by the OSTSEE-ZEITUNG. In June 2022, the war has not happened, the Grundstück has been sold.

The Marktstraße can also be used by passers-by in the open Kellergeschosss, with plans, rods and stones concealed. It’s disorderly. “It’s a shame, that’s the Schandfleck here gab,” said Rosemarie Straphel. Dr. Heinz Beuter believes that with the construction he has received a – these assurances from the maintenance orders of the owners and a new Construction Agreement has been established.

Parking spaces are offered

Beim Blick in the Baugrube im Stadtzentrum is the Außenmauern for the Kellergeschoss and the Wände zu sehen. Read more Kalksandsteine ​​​​and more building material that lies. “Everyone takes care of themselves, because it is here weitergeht,” said Ingrid Knauth. Nor ‘Fertigstellung Herbst 2024’ on the Bauschild. “Das stimpt ja schon nicht mehr.” And two soles of the Anwohner parks, fragment of the Bad Doberanerin. Parkplätze has not been built in the Haus, says Heinz-Jürgen Beuter. “We are in the new park place and we have plenty of visitors.”