
Lagerhaus Hollabrunn-Horn – Pulkautaler emotions and that other location

The Lagerhaus Seefeld-Kadolz castle on 31. August is well worth seeing. In the meantime, a black Fahne hissed from the region and played the famous Trumpet Solo “I have a comrades”. The racial Schließung that left this family, fell from the Pulkautal, in September to the General Assembly of the Lagerhauses Hollabrunn-Horn in Weitersfeld to come, a more than a few years later.

Obmann Johann Rohringer welcomed and proposed the Beschlussfähigkeit fest. Danach stand die Entlastung des Vorstandes en. Lagerhaus-Mitglied Siegfried Schwinner has control over the Vorschlag, a secret and written recording through time.

Emotional discussion about the Großkadolzer Lagerhaus

Der Obmann has heard a Schreiben von Schwinner. If these sollten drei Anträge zur Abstimmung kommen: erstens eine Abstimmung per Stimmzettel regarding the Schließung des Lagerhaus-Standortes Seefeld-Kadolz; It is worthwhile to provide the information about the previous positions about more positions and the long-term information, which will allow future settlements with a general change decision.

The discussion can become emotional. Schwinner criticizes Schließung in Großkadolz, weil de Filiale durchau positiv bilanziert hatte: “Bei der Sitzung im Jufa-Hotel Seefeld in July gab der Obmann zu, dass die Schließung wegen Personalmangels beschlossen wurde.” This is a versagen der Verantwortlichen an, man didn’t get a timed question, so Schwinner. It is said that “this is not the case with more branches being added”.

Another bad Wortmeldung from the Mailberger Egon Puhwein, which falls into the Rohringers Aussage in the Jufa-Hotel, is: The Lagerhaus is a social enterprise for the Pulkautal, which deserves the Lagerhaus-Grundgedanken.

Rohringer stated: “The Lagerhaus is responsible for all citizens and is not responsible for the Pulkautal.There is a goose catalog made for the Mitglieder, the Versäumnisse is not high-class. “It is one of the food sources and the umfasst more than now a Kaffeehaus für das Pulkautal”, according to Rohringer. It seems that the location of the Schließungen has been affected by the issue, and if the Wirtschaft has been robbed, then it is so that it is a schwacher Aufschwung.

The various aspects of the Pulkautal criticism in general about the bad communication and also, that there is no problem with the purchase of the Lagerhaus-Areals in Seefeld-Kadolz are also possible. The Geschäftsführung can be on the wirtschaftliche schwierige Lage and the null Strukturwandel, die zum Beschluss der Schließung geführt hätten.

Lagerhaus schließt 2024 with Verlusten ab

The discussion was followed by the message of Obmanns zum Geschäftsjahr 2023. The Geschäftsführer Rudolf Grubauer and Christian Gaggl presented the Jahresabschluss 2023. The Genossenschaft received a Verlust of 1.3 Million Euro, the Konzern a Verlust of 1.2 Million Euro.

These costs are higher than those of high material, energy and personal costs. Let the human react and set mass intakes. And the last time Helmut Koch, Altbürgermeister von Retz, was occupied with the discussion about a question: There was much to be cleared, with the Lagerhaus-Stoorten in Retz, Pulkau and Röschitz geschehen. A concrete answer remained due to him the business management.

Fast 40 Prozent der Mitglieder entlasteten Vorstand nicht

Does it make sense to know that Vorteil doesn’t have a man like Lagerhaus-Mitglied? “A year later, a person can get a beer for a beer, it is his biggest money,” says Obmann. Please provide us with information and: “Man dare to join the general administration in this regard” – it is important to know more about the information provided. Grubauer schaltete sich ein, um eine Reihe von Vorteilen zu ergänzen.

The duration of the revision notices was the revisor Franz Leidler of the RWA beauftragt. I follow your secrets. We cannot continue the advocacy and fraud through all the offshoots of the trauen. Von 213 Stimmen were neun Enthaltungen, 133 für die Entlastung, 71 dagen. Somit bestätigten 37.56 Prozent der Mitglieder den Vorstand nicht.

Was it a passion for the geschlossenen Standort Seefeld-Kadolz? “There would never be any learning without being destroyed. Die Entscheidung, an wen, ist aber noch nicht gefallen“, teilte Pressesprecherin Monika Voglgruber auf NÖN-Nachfrage mit.