
Josefstadt: Von Konditorin zur Lehre in Hotel “Josefshof am Rathaus”

Josefstadt: Von Konditorin zur Lehre in Hotel “Josefshof am Rathaus”

The tourism power of the labor force management zu procure. Lehrling Annalena Tappeiner is a great experience in Lehrewahl at Hotel “Josefshof am Rathaus”.

VIENNA/JOSEFSTADT. Arbeitskräftemangel will be the best employment and time: for tourism and gastronomy war in the years of the past, only not easy. The head a goose Industry hat scarified. To the injustice, who is 21 years old Annalena Tappeiner find. You are near your hotel and guest work assistant in “Josefshof am Rathaus”. Ursprünglich started tapping a lehre as a conditorin, while he came from there. “If you contact people and think about it, it can also be like that,” he said.

In your active life, it is worthwhile to take care of your needs in every way – including your daily cleaning service, your housekeeping and your care. Spaß fell for all the might in the past. Derzeit hat Tappeiner alle Abteilungen im Josefstädter Hotel and start a new Durchlauf. “Thanks to the fact that the response is especially good, I am very happy with it, and the quality of the services will last longer than expected,” he said. Ein Wunsch, the hotel director David Meixner Good night: “I would be happy if my employees and employees would have been willing to lie.”

A beggar fits

Meixner is one of the best, if the bed is arranged, for all young people, the whole world will be different. Planability, Freizeit and Flexibility have a high steltwert. Let the Learning from the beginning and the advantages who are restliche Personal remain behind. So if the expenses are a question of planning or entering days off, it is not possible that Trinkgeld is considered as all others.

It was 20 years ago Jasmine Fertner to treasure white. Before you stay a few years later in your hotel in the Josefstädter Hotel, you can continue here – a hint from the reception, now in the Buchungsburo. Of course, it is not possible to play in the Betrieb, often this is in other branches. “The gastronomy and the hotel industry are one of the few things we can do while eating. Man learns the group with people, stress resistance, flexibility and well-being”, read the hotel management.

Hotel director David Meixner with Lehrling Annalena Tappeiner (from left) and assistant Jasmin Fertner. | Photo: Fabian Franz/meinbezirk

“I am a stolz, that is all our job well-founded jobs”, it is clear. But for the tourism industry itself, the leading hotelier says the Werbetrommel: “It is important to have a branch, in a man with a flexible lifestyle and a career.” So Fertner in Kürze does not let his nor more Verantwortung übertragen bekommen. If you say something yourself, then tourism is “jeden Tag etwas new lernt”. “It is a beautiful work, as the Leute is natural,” said Tappeiner. Man will always be ready for new developments under [email protected], schließt Meixner ab.

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