
MINT Forum: Gütesiegel und drei Bildungseinrichtungen erneut verliehen

MINT Forum: Gütesiegel und drei Bildungseinrichtungen erneut verliehen

In the context of the written MINT Forums, the 35 most recent MINT Gütesiegels2024 was about the Bildungseinrichtungen of the Bezirk, the German Deutschlandsberg, Stainz and Eibiswald. While the Gütesiegel de Bildungseinrichtungen aus, the innovative learning resources in MINT-Fächern with some incorrect Zugängen für Mädchen and Burschen umsetzen.

DEUTSCHLANDSBERG/GRAZ ZIRK. The first Science Garden Festival has a MINT power of 3,000 children and youth years. The MINT forum offers a platform for pathoginnen and pathogen. It is good MINT Quality Seal Settzt dem MINT-Land Steiermark almost the Crown.

“The Vermittlung van MINT-Kompetenzen is one of the centers that you can use and play on the path and path on an unguarded role. It is a shame that my commitment and the young Leidenaren are occupied with mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. During your time you can see the Grundstein and perform the erroneous display of the MINT payments in the Bildungseinrichtungen.”
Kurt MaierPresident of the Indstriellen-Vereinigung Steiermark

Styria remains MINT Country Number 1

Bereits zum consideren Mal Wurde vom Bildungsministerium, der Industriellenvereinigung und der Wissensfabrik das MINT-Siegel-verliehen. Wiederholt führt the Styria, the best list and konnte in those years 77 Photography establishments draw, where 42 First king Your plaques must remain in good condition. In Summe gibt es 193 MINT-Gütesiegel Institutionen in der Steiermark.

Leader of the Science Garden Festivals (from left): Alfred Marchler (Vizepräsident der Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark), TU-Graz-Rektor Horst Bischof, Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftslandesrätin Barbara Eibinger Miedl, Bundesbildungsminister Martin Polaschek, Bildungsdirektorin Elisabeth Meixner and Peter Mos er, Rector der Montanuniversität Leoben. | Photo: MeinBezirk

The Verleihung der MINT-Gütesiegel and dice Reseller Through the continuous and exciting work of stimulating the direction, the innovative learning construction is developed and further developed. “The Auszeichnung is not the Anerkennung for the great art, it is a discovery for the great business activities of a large network, the MINT-Bildung in Styria begins and weiter vorantreibt,” says Maier.

The MINT forum offers the Multiple winners In a good location, when there is a problem with the parts, you can learn and give new impetus to the further development of the MINT offers that you can use. Make sure that the input is provided by the automatic translation of the Kolleginnen and Kollegen, under the Cabarettist Clemens M. SchreinerVice Chairman AVL George List“director of the training Elisabeth Meixner and vice-cabinet Elisabeth Amtmann of the PH Styria.

A view of the Bezirk Deutschlandsberg

I am District Deutschlandsberg since the Kindergarten Eibiswald-West, the Mittelschule Stainz
and the Polytechnic School Deutschlandsberg dabei.

They have excellent Kneipp, “Gesunden” and MINT Kindergarten Eibiswald-West, where they can enjoy their quality care – and that is like a single Kindergarten in the Bezirken Leibnitz and Deutschlandsberg.

“The children explore their knowledge with the greater Freude in the research and experiments, it is possible that the nature connection and the freedom to experience mathematical mathematicians will increase in the future.
MINT could be a snake!
Heike RavnikLeiterin des Kindergartens Eibiswald West

The team from the Eibiswald West kindergarten, geitet von Heike Ravnik (2.Fri), went to the new Auszeichnung with the MINT-Gütesiegel. | Photo: Ravnik

About the MINT Quality Seal

The MINT Quality Seal is a great initiative by Federal Ministeriums for Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, der Industriellenvereinigung, der Wissensfabrik Österreich und der Pädagogische Hochschule Wien.

There is a great Bundesweit expansion for innovative teaching materials in Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften and Technology (MINT) with special care for your health and well-being.
Ausgezeichnete Bildungseinrichtungen erhalten das MINT-Gütesiegel als digitals Logo for your Web construction you see as a wall plaque for your buildings. The marked schools and kindergartens are often busy with the “MINT-Landkarte Österreich” on vertet.

Das Gütesiegel is used for the Dauer von three years forgotten. A Distribution capacity is in a phase of quality improvement. The first previous studies were carried out during the MINT Gala at the Industrial House in Vienna. De Auszeichnung von rezertifizierten Bildungseirichtungen ergolgt auf regionaler Ebene, in Kooperation von Bildungsdirektionen und IV-Landesgruppen.

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