
Swiss Life is working on Cloud Migration for the future

Swiss Life is working on Cloud Migration for the future


The plant of Swiss Life Deutschland, until the end of 2024, will completely move the IT infrastructure to the cloud for migration. After the partnerships with the economy have started, the life insurance dies as after all financing plans. The step would make the difference with the digitalization of the technology and the efficiency and flexibility of the external scaffolding. The migration takes place with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the help of Swiss Life Deutschland, which will respond to the market explorations and improve efficiency.

DThe complete package in the cloud is part of the digitalization offensive of the companies. Tobias Herwig, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Swiss Life Deutschland, has examined the strategic meaning and the concrete concrete of the efficient operation of the company, while the companies speak out about it:

“Separating IT in the cloud when migrating is a more strategic story, an uncertain position in the industry and getting the most out of cloud technology,” says Tobias Herwig, CTO Swiss Life Deutschland. “With the deployment of cloud technology, it is no longer possible to work on the basis of the Wachstum in recent years of responding and our efficient scaffolding, which are flexible to market changes, the new technology offers new technologies and offers an unparalleled knowledge of the major benefits.”

Tobias Herwig, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Swiss Life Deutschland

With the separation that comes with Cloud Technology, Swiss Life pursues the Soul, the Process of the Protections, IT costs for senken and a calibrated as well as future-safe IT operating system to establish. Another example of the cloud migration is the highest cyber security and system stability. In the tradition of research, the cloud infrastructure is a better operation and more protection that potentially bedroungen offers. Swiss Life has established an ‘Infrastructure-as-Code’ program, which reduces IT automation and manual input to a minimum level.

Large stock

For years, Swiss Life has invested in the modernization of IT and the damn infrastructure and it is a comparison in the market of others in the area German further fortgeschritten. The transformation ermöglicht Swiss Life Deutschland has an unsatisfied capital intensity and a very short Verächangesprozesse. Ensure that the cloud base infrastructure in the Vergleich area itself offers the best system development and stabilization that increases cybersecurity during the use of the Cloud. For continuous management of the IT involvement, the teams will be entered into another optimization phase in the coming months, while the external systems look good.

Cloud migration results in regulatory arrangements and strong employment positions

These regulatory adjustments can be implemented by Swiss Life Deutschland with the cloud migration. “If our companies can improve the guarantees and compliance and provide certainty, they can also become cloud-based. My own research can have a long-term experience, because it is not possible to develop a responsible work and a modern IT technology of its own,” says Herwig.

The merger with AWS will disappear as Schlüssel moves on to the next projects. Stefan Höchbauer, Geschäftsführer of AWS for the DACH region, lobs the Partnerschaft and sees Swiss Life at the forefront of the digital transformation in the Versicherungs industry: “The CEO Cloud Migration of Swiss Life said, who himself is strongly regular about the Versicherungen die Vorteile von Skalierbarkeit, Agilität und Sicherheit der AWS-Cloud utilzen können.“ During the Cloud-Losung, Swiss Life Deutschland is nun besser aufgestellt, a number of important regulatory Regulations will be inherited and the pending Market Regulations will become legal. This is the first step towards an attractive position in the IT industry and new solutions in modern technology with open source and cloud-based solutions.

Modernizing the process during cloud migration

The complete cloud migration illuminates Swiss Life’s strategy, maximizing the efficiency of IT involvement and modernizing fundamental processes. Swiss Life Deutschland does not position itself as an innovative market researcher in the insurance industry, but says that digital transformation is anchored in the world philosophy. The migration into the cloud benefits Swiss Life as a chance, transforming fundamental IT-involved management processes into new forms. The total IT infrastructure is set up fully automatically and the upstream management measures will be reduced to a minimum level. The non-natural basis is fully compatible with software code. The proprietary Self-Service Module is only available if the Landing Zone at AWS is used directly with little effort. Daneben explains Swiss Life with a focus on the benefits of cloud natives and open-source technology.two