
DAX with Abschlägen erwartet ()

DAX with Abschlägen erwartet ()

The trend trends in the US indices can reflect this development on the DAX index and the barometer which gives a notable warning signal of 19,000 points. If the secret Leitbarometer is displayed, it is given more time to correct and provide a range signal record position in a double alignment. If it is that bad, it is disappointing.

Ausgerechnet at the Dow Jones Index has triggered a change of course and a better retreat in the course of the reverse SKS formation by the Australian economies in the following period, while this formation is regularly displayed in the other way aufgeloss. Major trend wendemusters who do not notice this can probably experience the consequences of the market translation. The DAX durability amounts to a punk test of a 18,780-point Abgabebereitschaft in the direction of 18,633 points and a breakthrough in the EMA 200 occupation at 18,319 points signal and can be carried out a short investment in the short term. Gelingt is a day on the first impression of a large green Tageskerze at 19,045, but a next step in the coming weeks at 19,800 was as long as possible. It is wise to use the Luft when cooking.

Current low price

DAX in neutral low (week)

DAX at 19,918 points.

Indicators wieder of the bullischer Anleger

Anlaufmarken after 19,000 / 19,121 / 19,341 and 19,486 points, after 18,693 / 18,663 / 18,450 and 18,232 points.

Holes at 18,198, 16,957, 14,949 and 11,391 points.

Historical Season Calendar

In US-Wahljahren (DAX): Saisonal fester im August erwartet – Händler wieder aus den Ferien zurück.

Gebert-Börsenindikator (September)

Langfristiger Börsenindikator nach Gebert: Neutral (Vormonat August: Kaufen).

(The indicators that show inflation and inflation rates, the euro/dollar exchange rate and economic value. The data signals the long-term purchase and sale signals for the DAX.)

The big picture

DAX after opening – new buy signal in work


DAX (week 39)

Sentiment in de laufender Woche mit Mehrheit für Käufer, bullisch zu werten.


VDAX-New der Deutschen Börse (September 24, 2024): Bei 14.67 (Vortag: 15.08%). Über 17% kaum stärkere Abwärtsbewegung.

Sons: Tiefe Werte unter 17%, Norm 17 bis 27%, Angst and Panik über 27%.

(The VDAX-New says that Volatilität im DAX an. Dreht of the VDAX-New from next year onwards, is with the increasing course of time. more than 17% Ab, it is reinforced with fallen corks that you can rechnen. The VDAX-New is an indicator for the fallen price that is proper. Eh 12-13% Departure time is probable.)

1. CNN Money’s Fear & Greed Index (September 25, 2024): Bei 67 (Vorwoche: 54 – Neutral) Punkten, Modus “Greed”

(Scale from 0 – 100, with “Extreme Greed” with long term, with “Extreme Fear” with shorts, countermeasure)


Commitment of Traders (CoT) report (17.09.2024)

The Commercials (US-Profis) have appeared on the S&P 500 index Long stiffenedam in the ranks that are included in your position expanded – (Contradictor)!

The little speculators (Small number) are in total Long positioned, ihre Positionen aber ebenfalls ausgebaut.

Trading strategy

1. Long chance from 19,045 Punkten, Ziel 19,800 Punkte, Stopp um 18,780 Punkte setszen

Notes: Stops and profit in insight are the landmarks of their choice and hanging large amounts of own risk and money management that the jewelry in the tag trade ab. Profit own standard solutions. The most important feature of the price development is that the price is generated in the underlying value.

DAX (Daily chart in points):

Trend: DAX with Abschlägen erwartet ()

Important map markers

Extended concepts:

19,000 // 19,121 // 19,341 // 19,486 Punkte


18,693 // 18,663 // 18,450 // 18,232 Punkte

Strategy for rising price




Open Ended Turbo Long

actually. Course:

26.27 – 26.28 euros


DZ bank

Basic price:

16,277.39 Points

Basic word:



16,277.39 Points

actually. Basic principle:

18,918.51 Points


Open End




Price probability:

Falling Price Strategy




Open end turbo short

actually. Course:

18,60 – 18,61 euros


DZ bank

Basic price:

20,771.82 Points

Basic word:



20,771.82 points

actually. Basic principle:

18,918.51 Points


Open End




Price probability:

conflict of interest

Comments on the best conflicts of interest according to § 34b Abs. 1 no. 2 WpHG:

If you know that the FSG Financial Services Group or an affiliated company is active in the Letzten-Zwolf-Monaten, there is an entity-business organization at the DZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft.

The author declares that, for example, if an advisor or a person with his or her advisor is a party to the possession of financial instruments, on which the analysis is conducted, for example, in the last 12 months after the analysis of the issues of financial instruments, war was waged. This is how it was done Possibility of conflicts of interest.

The authors have continued with the analysis of a journalistic beach report, in which the messages about the message statistics are read, so that knowledge can be gained about the content and its consequences.

Trailer lock

The herausgeber-overnimmt-keine-proces for the factual, short, complete or high-quality information. If you appeal to the Herausgeber, you can focus on Damage material or idealler art, while you go through the Use or Non-use of the boat information bzw. By the use failure and incomplete information required, are fundamentally closed. All data and information are no longer available if there is a transaction or a transaction. If you propose the previous strategies, you can find an answer to the question, or still not. For every business bzw. Before you can perform a transaction, it is performed in the personal and business way. Although it is not even so that trading with options or guarantees can take fundamental risks, a total enjoyment of the existing capital goods is not possible. All offers are free and unbinding. After processing the texts, the Publication / Execution is only valid with the express approval of FSG Financial Services Group GbR.

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