
Viele Events am Wochenende im Landkreis Dillingen

Viele Events am Wochenende im Landkreis Dillingen

Schlenden, shopping and shopping – and that’s what you do at night. That sounds very tempting, right? A day on which the Dillinger Nacht took place, which is on Friday 27 September in the Grote Kreisstadt. From 18:00 it’s time, the schäfte is geoffnet until 23:00. Wirtschaftsvereinigung, Werbegemeinschaft, Kulturring, the Verein ImagePlus and the Stadt Dillingen see that they are the odd one out, one of the Besucherinnen and Besuchern an unvergessliche Nacht zu bescheren.

The program is a one-time evil program, because the culture does not come close. Music, music, music or music are becoming more and more popular, they introduce themselves in the street and the writings that go beyond the activities for the skills and skills. A component at the Dillinger Nacht is one of the other sports of Kraus in the Großen Allee – and more as they the Betreiber with my Getränke-Karussell, while the load in the Freitag goes up, the Kartei der Not. “After clear,” said Managing Director Andreas Kraus and ergänzt: “That is not a question.” So also this comes a part of the erlosen from the sale of our serem Leserhilfswerk zugute. The program of the Dillinger Nacht go to to find.

Fürstliche Tage auf Schloss Höchstädt

Damit is the start this week, 27., 28. and 29. September, in Landkreis Dillingen schon more than gelungen. A Saturday and Sunday are many events and events organized, Langeweile does not come further. We have found more height differences, all terminology on one page you will find if you use a service page on the next page.

Auf Schloss Höchstädt finds the first “Fürstlichen Schlosstage” statt in the Samstag and Sonntag. The analysis is the high time of the herzog couple Anna and Philipp-Ludwig, who took place over 450 years of statistics. The Historical Society of Höchstädt has to deal with the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, a buntes program for small and large investments. Spandex flights and flights, historic Essen, Tänze and a fashion show are other boats. The castle is open between the hours of the evening and both days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. More information can be found at

The frühere Havanna-Club in Dillingen is open at Samstag

Keramikhändler aus ganz Deutschland travel dieses Wochenende im Countrykreis an. This is the Töpfermarkt in Dillingen. In the Ambiente of the Schlossgartens there is a Samstag en Sonntag je in der Zeit von 10 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet. Creative Köpfe and Waren gifts are intended for the Wittislinger spice market. The Kunsthandwerkermarkt starts at 11 am on Samstag. Viel später am Samstagabend op een dag in Dillingen, noch gefeiert. Der “Rhymes Club”, van Havana-Club, opening net. The party starts at 10:30 PM.