
Union Berlin: Top Start! Is Union heading for Europe, Mr Svensson? | Sports

Union Berlin: Top Start! Is Union heading for Europe, Mr Svensson? | Sports

Die bisher größte Überraschung der Saison heißt Union Berlin!

After four games, the Mannschaft von Neu-Trainer Bo Svensson is ungeschlagen (2 Siege, 2 Unentschieden), steht auf Platz 5. That’s the end of Europe, will play the Eisernen sogar Champions League. Is Union so daring, an international Geschäft that qualifies?

Svensson dazu: “Keine Ahnung. That’s a great time to eat. This civilized person is very little after four playing days. When the player plays a game, it can be a number of aspects Luft nach oben. It’s only 30 minutes of play left. We will be able to make the next day in Mönchengladbach.” Der Däne is not very detailed.

There’s more: it’s a quality issue in the framework. Those Eisernen (four goals) are without Mittelstürmer-Tor. And that Sorgen trip is not ab. Svensson: “Ivan Prtajin is the Mittwoch in the training of the Knie-verdreht. It’s not that bad, but there’s no way to improve it.”

The good news: Top Abwehr-Talent Tom Rothe (19) is fit after Knöchelverletzung. Svensson: “Tom was able to manage everything with Mittwoch. There’s nothing wrong. There is a full zur paintügung.”

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Source: BILD

More good news: Svensson is definitely a Gladbach expert. The Däne War from January 2006 to 2007 took place in the 32nd Bundesliga-Spiele for Mönchengladbach (2 Tore). As a trainer he has become an ex-verein (drei Siege, drei Remis).

Gute Voraussetzungen, damit Union am Samstag in Gladbach (3:30 PM) with the following Schritt Richtung Europa-power.