
Road between Finningen and Neuhausen completely closed

Road between Finningen and Neuhausen completely closed

For more years as a man from Pfuhl about the “highest dangerous” and “unraveled” situation for the cyclists and the bridge over the A7 in Holzheim and the Neu-Ulmer city Finningen beschwert. In February this year a year is sold to the state building office Krumbach, that is a new building with extended cycle paths is being built. Now the building work is done and. Was also meant: The relevant state road 2021 will be completely closed for a year. A motorway would have been completely closed at the time.

The barrier between Finningen and Holzheim begins on Montag, October 7. The additional aspects are painted and verlaufen wie folgendermaßen:

  • From Neu-Ulm kommend von Finningen über Steinheim und Kadeltshofen nach Pfaffenhofen
  • In Fahrtrichtung Neu-Ulm von Pfaffenhofen über Holzschwang und Reutti nach Neu-Ulm

The Umleitung für de Fuß- und Radverkehr as well as the landwirtschaftlichen Verkehr follow über the vorhandene Feldwegenetz Swiss Finningen and Neuhausen, teilt das Bauamt Krumbach am Donnerstag mit.

A7 roads will be closed until the end of the night in October

Note on the new construction of 50 years old the construction work on the slits of baulichen Zustands. The new bridge is in the representation of the active model one of the combined road and radar roads. A Schutzeinrichtungen was carried out on the Bauwerk.

The Abbruch der 1974 erbauten Brücke is followed in two construction phases:

  • Construction phase 1: Samstag, October 12, 9 p.m., bis Sonntag, October 13, 5 p.m.
  • Bauphase 2: Samstag, October 19, 8 p.m., bis Sonntag, October 20, 6 p.m.

The A7 is completely blocked in these short periods. Traffic on the motorway can provide the best results. For these blocks, the Bauamt in Vorfeld will provide some of its own information.

The costs for the bridge have risen to around four million euros and were jointly borne by the Autobahn GmbH of the Bundes and the Freistaat Bayern. For the automatic deterioration and processing of the state construction, all affected traffic steepeners and auxiliaries are a matter of common sense. (AZ/krom)