
Fernwärme Flawil – Construction starts in October 2024

Fernwärme Flawil – Construction starts in October 2024

If you are a company with an energy transition that has the technical Betriebe Flawil (TBF) for a year a power study and a project project in the Auftrag mode, a with the heat from the cleaned dishwasher of ARA-Oberglat a part of Flawil with fernwarme versorgen. The previous project is the best in technical and economic terms and says that the project in the coming years with a credit credit of 43 million francs a maximum can be achieved. Make sure that the emission of CO2 emissions is carried out in a logical way during the processing of the cleaned dishwashers, which work in the Glatt-eingeleitet world. Ready in October 2024 are the construction start with the Verlegen of the first Fernwärme-Hauptleitung in the St.Gallerstrasse erfolgen.

Preliminary design successfully discussed

The result of the previous project can be positively influenced and run over time. The analysis that is best, is that the position of the energy center on the gelände of the ARA is given the opportunity to lie in the warmth of the heat. In the presentation of the previous projects, the Abwasserverband Flawil-Degersheim-Gossau (AVFDG) of the heat extraction from the cleaned Abwasser of ARA Oberglatt is grossly so-called. Now lies about a technical technical design, a current project budget, the business plan for. The costs of projects could still be reduced and in the endausbau of the fernwärme Flawil be carried out, also in 10 to 15 years, with a value of 43 million Francs. If Meilenstein could do the financing of projects with the Flawiler Niederlassung of the St.Galler Kantonalbank vereinbart.

Grünes Licht voor de Ausführung

The Administrative Council of the TBF could work intensively with the project “Fernwärme Flawil” in the course of time. It is a fact that the vast majority of companies made a mistake in the development of the current mistake, so that the project could take a risk that would not be resolved. The Administrative Council subsequently decided in August to convert the project with a projected total cost of 43 million francs and to free up 6.3 million francs for further detailed planning and initial implementation work.

Wettlauf with time

The biological and economic souls of the fern heat weakness were only right, if it would be possible to connect relationships in the supply perimeter. Due to the heat development of the kindred spirits, the TBF project became possibly larger. Because the Administrative Council releases the part of the projects, you do not have to cooperate fully in the heat and heat development. The communication in the sector with the standard and the willingness to build the power plant in the area of ​​the ARA-Oberglatt has started and is on the right track.

Schedule and project details

Der Baustart für das Netz erolgt noch dieseses Jahr per Ende Oktober. The first step in St.Gallerstrasse, on Abschnitt Lindenstrasse to Feldhofstrasse, completed. Danach sollen die Hauptleitungen bis 2031 jedes Jahr um rund oneen Kilometer erweitert were. Parallel to the Ausbau der Hauptleyung there were jewels from the Ausbau des Verteilnetzes, that the Liegenschaften and a Strasse might be closed for a longer period of time. So the costs during the fernwärme constructions in the coming years were kept as low as possible. The Bau der Energiezentrale soll 2025 was started. The first heat treatment of the ARA Oberglatt energy center will take place in the Heiz period 2027/2028. For the Liegenschaften, who for this Zeitpunkt Warme Beötigen, jewels are a Versorgung of Provisorium geprüft. The cost for all cases of credit provision in the first years, while the power plant can be lovely, is that the credit freigabe receives the 6.3 million francs. The Endausbau is a building with around 300 beds, located in the center of Flawil, which were annually supplied with 23 gigawatts of heat.

Flame heat and gas supply

Gemäss Konzept has won the heat of 95 percent from Abwärme der ARA Oberglatt. In winter the temperature falls outside the range of the deck of the Spitzenlast vorzugsweise biogas ingesetzt. It may be that the temperature of the water is endangered, 100 percent of the energy that is there, is erreichen.

The fern-warm Flawil will not be able to block the paths of the restricted grid sizes with all fossil energy-trailing heating systems. This group is about the gas supply for the security of supply in Flawil, where a different role-play is played. The TBF was done everything possible, the biogas and the synthetic gas were produced on the jetties.

Top informed thanks to Project website

Information and details of the project can show all interests on the new project web page Here it is not worth it to carry out all projects and projects on a Anschluss-Prüfer. Who says that it is a challenge and uncomplicated, while a Liegenschaft-indoor hall of the Fernwärme-Perimeters lies, a Wärme-verfügbar ist and with which Anschlusskosten in this rights ist.

On December 3, 2024, I plan to provide the TBF with an information facility for all interested parties. New information about the project and the viewing material of the Fernwärme theme, while the opportunity arises, will be communicated directly with the sister employees of the TBF.