
DAX on Rekordkurs – Das treibt ihn an – Im Fokus: Commerzbank and Gerresheimer

DAX on Rekordkurs – Das treibt ihn an – Im Fokus: Commerzbank and Gerresheimer

The DAX could start in October and leave on its record hunt. The treibt of the Deutschen Leitindex dabei an. Außerdem im Fokus der Börse: Die Aktien von der Commerzbank und von Gerresheimer.

The DAX cannot even call on the service you can use on your account. In the first minutes of trading the German Leitindex amounted to 0.48 Prozent auf 19,418.06 Punkte. I guess I’m not happy with September as a friend in October. Seine bisherige Bestmarke hatte der Dax am Freitag mit knapp 19.492 Punkten aufgestellt.

For the MDax of the medium sized, the service will go out tomorrow to 0.61 Prozent auf 27,017.79 Punkte hoch. Der Eurozonen-Leitindex EuroStoxx 50 gewann beef 0.2 Prozent.

Etwas Unterstützung kam von den Übersee-Börsen. In New York, the Indian economy is still showing strong positive signs, and in Japan the Nikkei 225 is showing intense tensions. The impulse from the future of the Chinese trading places will give you a better overview: The roads of the “Golden Week” will not be dealt with during the coming days.

Aktien von Commerzbank im Fokus

Kepler’s analysis house has taken over the creditworthiness of the commercial bank through a credit from Unicredit of 18 to 25 euros and the purchase of shares on “Buy”. The experts see their service in analyzing “Spielraum in all Szenarien”. That of the berechneten fairen Werte der Aktie varies from 23 to 33 Euro. In this case, the financial institution placed the experts on its own bank after the management of the Hypovereinsbank.

(WKN: CBK100)

Aktien von Gerresheimer in Fokus

Die Anleger von Gerresheimer verarbeiten am Dienstag de plötzlichen Kurseinbruch vom Vortag. Laut der DZ Bank hinted at a responsible Gewinnungung “viel burnnte Erde”, but did an apparent stabilization of the situation. On the Tradegate platform, the paper can be traded on the service 1.7 percent of the Xetra-Schlussskurs. The action was spent during the summer holidays and 18 prosperous purchases.

Gerresheimer has owned a new factory since 2025. The packaging repairer started the sales warning on the Montagnachmittag with an überraschend along the market and a production stop on the information about an Überschwemmung. Analyst Sven Kürten of DZ Bank does not express the Gründe überzeugten. There is a problem with the analysis, one of the most common Kaufempfehlung problems. Management has been provided with the concrete profit forecast.

JPMorgan analyst David Adlington said it was good. There is a development after a short period of mortality going on and the forecast for 2025 is becoming increasingly important. Seiner Einschätzung nach ist de Kursreaktion übertrieben. There is a “proven” new situation that increases turnover in the management world. These wiederherzustellen were for a short time in Anspruch nehmen.

During the 18-percent Kursrutsch war that the Gerresheimer Action on the Montag started from February 2023, the time below the 80-Euro-Markt had expired. If you get a price of 123 euros, it has been a year since you performed the action and made a drop and a good deal. 2024 Rutschte Gerresheimer durch den Kurseinbruch met 15 Prozent ins Minus ab. It is more like the Abschlag at Konkurrenten Schott Pharma, the new Prozent project is being implemented.


With material from dpa-afx

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