
Land tag is one of the most important tests you can perform

The struggle against the power of Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and the heavy tests of the Bavarian debts sweat on the Bavarian Landtag. The SPD and the Greens speak in the plenary session about the fact that most people express their opinion about an offensive debate that is in confusion. CSU, Freie Wähler and AfD want to have days and exes party.

Minister of Culture Anna Stolz (Free Will) has had a dialogue with teacher, parent and school associations about the Prüfungskultur der Zukunft. It is a question of an unusual Leistungsnachweise gehen. If you want a general abolition of these »Exes«, you can clean up the category of the rest of the time and pay attention to it, so that a number of things can last longer. More associations and companies criticized Söders Voorgehen. Others want and exes to remain.

»Unwanted anxiety and stress«

Nicole Bäumler (SPD) says that exes express anxiety and stress. »If you have the Freude am Lernen and they change that Leistungsfähigkeit«, says Bäumler and criticism: »The Vorstellung, nur mit Druck könne man Kinder zu Leistung Breng, is the longest überholt.« Gabriele Triebel (Grüne) argued ebenfalls, Exen nichts außer Fear. There are critics who say that the “Basta Politics” has emerged as “a new Cult Minister”.

Ute Eiling-Hütig (CSU) countered, Schulen must look for, and that is to say, “that it is the Stegreif that has been requested, and that is probably a tagtäglich”. This is the only way you can pay your own debt, if you can no longer write. Oskar Atzinger (AfD) has fiercely warned the exes against an absence of the Bildung levels: “It is not a shame, the Schüler in watte zu packen.”

Stolz will make general comments

If you consider that you can enter into the dialogue that has been planted over time, it is more likely that it is a problem with the Leistungsnachweisen. A break for the exes is now no longer possible: man sees a »general word«, such as he.

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