
The other children are happy with the original text and are very happy in their children’s lives.

The other children are happy with the original text and are very happy in their children’s lives.

Häufig fragen Eltern: “Wie kann ich meinem Kind dabei helfen, mehr Freunde zu find?”

If you feel socially isolated, slow families, more childish, the time you work from home, and ob die normal, is or often becomes a bigger problem. If you are aware of whether the writing will be ergriffs, what is the matter?

Unedited gibt is Taktiken, de Eltern anwenden können, een kindern dabei zu helfen, Verbindungen aufzubauen. Believe it, you can appeal to your needs and do this, your lustful orts are fahren and abszuholen, and strategies, which often empfehle. I’m all one of the best people. The idea of ​​​​the überholte, that “Children are treated and not admitted”, may apply to others, it is so that they can live in the management of social life in children’s affairs.

I spent the last few years with Sarah Clark, co-director of CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health. Mott-Umfrage spoken, Eltern’s perspective on the Freundschaften is a children’s underground hat. Clark is auch Forschungswissenschaftlerin im Department of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. (De Umfrage basiert auf Antworten von 1,031 Eltern mit mindestens ainem Kind im Alter von 6 tot 12 Jahren in August. Der Fehlerbereich liegt bei plus or minus 1 to 5 Prozentpunkten.)

This interview would be a bit difficult and crazy, clear tone.

CNN: Was that interest aroused, an Umfrage über de Freundschaften von Kindern through time?

Sarah Clark: Since 2007 we will continue with the Mott-Umfrage durch. If you take the time, knit themes, a more time in the traditional medical care context, with other moments in the life of children’s treatments, the other ways to process, think, how to improve the health or well-being of your children experienced. That we went into the new Schuljahr, perhaps the Thema Freundschaft relevant.

CNN: A pleasure of the Eltern said, that is a child in the change from 6 to 12 years without friendship or no good hat. Glauben Sie, does this person die in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic?

Clark: What is more interesting is that the disinterested youth and the youth or the debtor’s debt could somehow take over the pandemic of the pandemic. Eltern and Kindern’s interactive activities during the pandemic were mainly for clubs and occasions, as they could make their childish connections.

CNN: It is possible that his children’s friends come from the background. Was Diesem’s retirement Ansatz at the Freundschaftsbildung?

Clark: The positive Deutung ist, the Eltern can exercise more power, the Family of the Freundes has a kind of Erziehungsstile teilt. If you take over the indulgence of money for activities or the festivities of Grenzen, you may end up with a machine.

If it is a führt, then Eltern is not wollen, that is a kind of friendly hat, “dieser Art von Leuten”, based on his identity, which is a schädliche Botschaft. Solche Personen are often classmates, team colleges, colleges or special persons in the lives of children. This is no longer suitable for the functionality in the Gesellschaft.

Darüber died on the Eltern. If you strictly want to interact with children, you can use a large amount of space for your own Wachstum. These things can help the children as they grow older.

CNN: Gab es Ergebnisse, is this not the case?

Clark: I was overwhelmed by more things. First and foremost, the relationship between their parents, the relationship between their children and their children became more important to them. (De Umfrage ergab, dass 30% der Eltern von Kindern in der Grundschule bis zur 4. Klasse de Eltern der Freunde ihres Kindes kenlernen wollen, aber diese Zahl sank at 17% in the Classes 5 to 8.)

If you have war, it is a pleasure of the Eltern, which is a kind of friend or an old Freunde hat. That’s probably mir hoch.

If you see the prozentsatz of the Eltern, you can think of one thing, a little effort you want to take, not if there are problems. (Die Umphage ergab, dass die durning 10% der Eltern der Fall-war.)

CNN: Neunzig Prozent der Eltern glauben, dass ihr Kind new Freunde finden möchte. Manchmal is the child fried with a small leisure activity, aber der Elternteil hat damit zu kämpfen. Was it Sie Davon stops?

Clark: There can be a mixture of both. Nur ein smaller Prozentsatz der Eltern (4 %) says, that is their child’s love. It is a good idea to use the answers to the Grund- und Mittelschule in mind. Actually, the fact that this Antwort was such a mirror mirror was different from hearing children, if that was the case with their children’s possibilities.

CNN: Etwa 23% of children in the classroom from 5 to 8 years old, that is one of the most popular social media, a friend you find. Was that clear?

Clark: When social media faces Covid-19, in many cases it is one of the best things for children, it is. Libraries, einkaufszentren or der Kaffeehäuser can use the best settings or rules for a carefree minor. Social media may be a problem.

CNN: My work for children in grades K-4 is that Eltern now intervenes in the feature film Freundschaftsfragen when Security is hit. Could Sie die?

Okay, here’s a Wendung Davon:

Clark: It is difficult to use an aspire or a short-term utensil. It is not that the child may have a little difficulty, if it becomes a verbal struggle, and the thing for his children’s games. Have you taught your Kind aus diesem Verhalten? If you play a role in the Schaffung von Umgebungen and the Bereitstellung von Occasions, you can find the Freundschaften in your Kinder nicht for your schmieden. You could be a more direct eingriff that can do more damage as nutzen messages.

Stattdessen have played various games during their own Verhalten, was another game, also in the Streitereien der Kinder einzugreifen. Beobachten Sie Ihre eigenen Freundschaften, um zu zeizen, wie man damn ummeht.

Other people can deal with the processing of some social interactions between children with the Gesamtgesundheit and the Wohlbefinden. Laut Sarah Clark, a research scientist in the department of pediatrics at the University of Michigan, reported a funktel from Eltern, while his friendly friend or sister was young, possibly got into trouble with the Auswirkungen der Covid-19 pandemic.

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