
Advance payment for wasserstoff projects: Transport Ministry sees more consequences – Wasserstoff | News | LOGISTIK HEUTE

Advance payment for wasserstoff projects: Transport Ministry sees more consequences – Wasserstoff | News | LOGISTIK HEUTE

Schnorr says that it is a problem for a defense to make an impartial defense, a defense against the treuepflicht, which your Beamte has, and a defense against Auskunfts- en Wahrheitspflicht.

In de Abhängigkeit von der Schwere der Pflichtverletzung the end of the Verfahren can be a Verweis, a Geldbuße, a Kürzung der Dienstbezüge or auch die Zurückstufung eines Beamten stehen. If all goes well, a beam will no longer be active.

Gesam volume of 31 million euros

The Ministerium has given Schnorr the Förderverfahren, in the case of the Suspect, that in a number of Weise Einfluss-joint measures will be taken on the Vergabe von Fördermitteln. The money is seized by the overload of financing with a volume of 31 million euros.

There is a project that produces only one product. I can finally die a full-fledged Rückforderung von Fördermitteln bedeuten. In two weeks later, the internal revision has won recognition, the second time that the Zweifel and the Rechtmäßigkeit von Förderbe are bestescheidenhe.

In February, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) appointed a government leader of ministers with such a stronger government leadership. The ground is no longer a contractual relationship. The background war of the Vergabe for a washer dust project and an uninspired influx of the Abteilungsleiters. The “Handelsblatt” has hinted for a year at a private contact with the Abteilungsleiters at the Zuteilung van Wasserstoff-Fördergeldernberichtet.