
“Megalopolis”: Was passert, when the Empire started zerbrechen?

“Megalopolis”: Was passert, when the Empire started zerbrechen?

© Phil Caruso / Lionsgate / Constantin Film

Why is Chinese power no longer worth a movie? Francis Ford Coppolas funktspühende, opulent Antwort op de Frage nach der Zukunft.

Utopias turn into dystopias.


In the history of Francis Ford Coppolas einmaligem, the “Megalopolis” has found a balance between a man entitled to life and finding the Absturz on the Dachsims and Wolkenkratzers, who are located in a Metropole, which makes Manhattan so beautiful like Gotham City. There is nothing other than the Schwelle, but it is clear: “Steh still, Zeit!” And that is true.


Der Wunsch, the current time, performs human history and no longer occurs among the older men with the 85-year-old Francis Ford Coppola vor. A man can see a unifying character and a director here – and his film was made in the low, time itself and he became like this. Aber nicht für immer.

The following film trade is carried out by a goose company, and: a Zivilization, the attractive price and the kurz for the Absturz darauf hofft, the Zeit stillzustellen. The city is called “New Rome”, and all the important figures have Roman names: Caesar Catiline, Cicero, Crassus, Claudius, Pulcher,

With sexiness and hedonism

It is a matter of narcissism, unchecked vulture and political propaganda, that those people are promoted and that they have a Maelstrom bundle, is self-sold in this community.

There are now a few people who think people, art and intellectually, idealists, with the mut zum träumen, swinging against the flow and striving for nothing as a new tomorrow of humanity. With Mut, Neugier and Technik, no longer as “Zurück zur Natur” and a fall with “woken Ideen”, son of Sexyness and Hedonism.

Der Mann heißt Caesar (Adam Driver), wie der römisch Feldherr, der die Republik zerstörte, um sie zu retten, der sich im Jahr 44. v. Chr. zum Diktator auf Lebenszeit einsette and the Roman Empire began.

Image: © Phil Caruso / Lionsgate / Constantin Film

There has come to an end a Verkörperung of the Directors Francis Ford Coppola himself – a greater Visionär, der mit ansehen muss, who is a finally great Sache (nennen wir es Kino) for the beginning of the world, and the entschlossen, is not You will continue to live well, without losing your future life.

In a nahen dystopian Zukunft

Caesar is described in the film as “A man of the future, so obsessed with the past.” Hamlet’s monologue has disappeared under the relativity of the film. There is charismatic and all kinds of problems have arisen, who of Gabe, the time he is in. Zugleich is one of the inner Dämons.

In a dystopian example of Caesar, a visionary architect and a Nobel Prize winner, the tragic woman who has become a new futuristic, ideal-typical city has become the “Megalopolis”.

There are plants that have a substanz name of Megalon, which is funded and the physical properties can increase.

Skepticism and Träume

I think that the mayor Franklyn Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito), a man of management and conservatives, will take a reformist position in the best system of justice:

Die Leute brauchen keine Träume, sie brauchen Arbeit, Schulen.

Cicero verspricht Kindergärten statt Visionen and “Concrete, Concrete, Concrete”, was in English heißt: “Concrete, concrete, concrete”, also used “Konkret, konkret, konkret” – de Mann is an anti-idealistic Skeptiker.

There, through the city with a strengthened direction, you see in Caesar’s revolution an idea of ​​a deception for your power and the status quo. Während Caesar verspricht, de Stadt zu erneuern, Cicero sees nur das Chaos, the only Changes he could bring about.

Nur, typical of Shakespeare who for Coppola, this political battle was waged through the private world: Denn Cicero had a personal gründen and was a Caesar – there was war against the state walt against Tod von dessen Frau and wollte Caesar hinter Gittern brought . If so, then that’s a verb.

And Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel) is still the only, beloved and very intelligent daughter of the mayors. As the sträubend, which is less and less willing, it loses itself in the Sprössling of the generic Clans, in the Mann of Zukunft, Caesar.

“Heute ist Amerika Rom”

The second Gegenspieler is Caesar’s eifersücht cousin Clodio Pulcher (Shia LaBeouf), who has political ambitions with Gewalt and Intriganz during the display. This hint list focuses on the fact that Caesar’s wohlhabender is Onkel Hamilton Crassus III (Jon Voight).

“New Rom” ist een Ort des Verfalls und der “spätrömischen Dekadenz” (Guido Westerwelle), in dem Armut, Not und Verzweiflung herrschen. When power over dominion becomes perversion, power is exercised, the bargaining of the community under the deprivation of a single, lesser, universal lust for sin.

A political fable

It is not that the filmmaker does not make any statements:

Heute is America Rom, and it is so that the gleiche inheritance zu machen, from the gleichen Gründen, who lost the Roman Republic and with an imperial end.

So the 85-year-old director sits (Stern), the US in the form of government before his end. Because they are “so rich” and the senators no longer want to take care of their own interests, they get Coppola from Magazin The Hollywood Reporter.

Nun, dasselbe is a passion herert. Our Senators and our Governors are all rich and play with their own power, anstatt the Land on Leiten, and then since we are in Gefahr, they will be lost.

Man knows: “Megalopolis” is a political fable. Your criticism can be based on a universal idea and its soul.

It is not the first time that Trump is a neoliberalism or a social ungleichheit and the herausforderungen of more modern urban living conditions.

Caesar represented idealism and his faith as a better world, where citizenmeister Cicero stood for pragmatism and Ehrgeiz for egomaniacs.

© Phil Caruso / Lionsgate / Constantin Film

Overborders and barock Vision

The visual vision of these films is on the stage and in the baroque: Man sees a coliseum near Times Square, Chariot racing in the style of “Ben Hur”, Gebäude in retro-futurism in art-deco and “ocological city” .

The film is a film show with pompous and free tableaux vivants from Kulissen, which come from a Marvel film, Shakespearean dialogue follows historical Wochenschaubilder, the Hitler and Mussolini verses. Untermalt is the name of the active pop, the pseudo-sandal film music from Hollywood.

If the plan puts an end to financing and in the new situation, “Megalopolis” is one of the largest formations of films that provoke ideas and produce many films, the change of directors is not possible.

Coppola seems to have fallen more into a cinematic Jungbrunnen gestiegen zu sein, and the cinematic Erfahrung, de ergebnis ist, would not work with the Abschluss a Karriere, under the tollkühne Entwurf another Kinos, “al fresco”.

Die Notnauwkeit, een bessere Welt zu procure

“Megalopolis” is one of the most extensive works of art, which in some cases is interesting and interesting, but it is said that the flowering of the new Hollywood has emerged.

US-America is the empire, who is the war in the Zeit time. American-America is one of the richest Spectacle Society of Rome. And Coppola is the boss, it’s worth using the new Römischen Reichs-stehen.

Was passert, when the empire started zerbrechen? Was passion, if the rationale was no longer great? It’s a waste of the fragment.

“Megalopolis” und die Schöpfer Glauben und de Notnauwkeit, een bessere Welt zu kosten. The anticipated utopia, which was envisaged here in the Tat-omgesetzt, is a Welt ohne Klassenunterschiede.

I am Schluss, who is a testament, an ode to lies and man.

Spektakekino and Herzensprojekt

It is one of the remarkable films that Francis Ford Coppola has in the right hat. Spectacle kino with a bigger attitude. Zugleich auch a seemlich person film, including all moral moral appeals and stories about the youth of the world and the people of the world.

A downfall in the mancher Hinsicht, fast a Höllenfahrt, with great Bildungsballast. The research stems from, among others, “Goethe, Euripides, Marc Aurel, Cicero, HG Wells” – so the Abspann, in dem Coppola, to which this Mitarbeitern owes.

“Megalopolis” is one of the most popular projects and a serious analysis of the seriousness of American history.

A film, one of the most popular films, dies aber auf a Weise, the man who softly nor even wants to see, to verstehen, was the man he saw.