
Gardenia: Reif for Changes |

Gardenia: Reif for Changes |

The 18th International Exhibition for Garden Construction and Landscape Architecture GARDENIA 2024 is in favor of the garden. The “erwachsenwerden” are a time that unites more – in the autumn of Gardenia probably happened. If you are in autumn, the Termin on the Calendar are open from October 16 to 18 in the horticultural sector.


The 18-year-old Entwicklung der Gardenia Messe The following year you will find the Version: Not without the term, the results and the success of the branch so you can enjoy your fresh season, without any other aspects: Views of the pavilions 7, 7A, 8, 8A and 6, Verlegung on Werkage (Mittwoch-Freitag), a part of the torch publications will be maximized and a strong Betonung der Anziehung von Besuchern aus dem Ausland als bisher.

“The research into the Gardenia-Messe has resulted in the fact that there may be a gap in sight, in the direction of the Entwicklungspotenzial der Veranstaltung gehen muss, and in those years a handful of slips were seen. Wir courts, that is the global situation stable it is a good idea to solve a problem regarding the possibilities and possibilities you have, but you cannot do anything about it,” says Paulina Maniecka, director of GARDENIA projects. The head of the door can be used once Imperial Ausstellung signal, die sich auf die Vielfalt und de Neuigkeiten der Branche Concentration, the Kompetenzen der in der Gartenbaubranche tätigen Personen erhöht and sich auf the Quality and not from the Anzahl der Besucher konzentriert. The Schwerpunkt is located on the plants Inspirational sons and the Organization of the Ausstellung, which makes rapid revolution possible.

One of which Rahmen would be the POLECO-Messe, which will take place in a short time from October 15 to 17. It is a major and heaviest meeting place for the development of established institutions, community protection and development of economics, knowledge and education, which are directly linked to the environmental protection industry and community management. The Messe van Vertretern van Unternehmen from the Bereichen Kommunalverwaltung, Abfallwirtschaft, Energie-, Wärme- und Wasserversorgung ensures the Pflege des städtische Grüns besucht.

Die Kraft des Gesprächs

So the time is right, it is clear – that is the secret of the inheritance. Deshalb has established the Gardenia Messe in its new relationship with new developments and innovations through the standards of the Aussteller. That’s it, it was a man in other people’s lives: A meeting of the common people Branche unter einem gemeinsamen Dach, both of them 3 days long all the information provided by us, information about geben and zu empfangen. Um most beautiful “Berührungspunkte” If you are the gardener in the gardening and gardening, you can make an unusual range offer:

– SPEAKERS’ CORNER – is a Vortrags- und Discussionsraum, in dem Zuhörer with Marketing experts from the Gartenbauindustry sister meetings. A special guest of the Speakers’ Corner is Laurens Doesborgh – Inhabitant of the Dutch Agentur lookINsight.

– GREEN EDUCARIUM – the education is provided by the Nationale Verband der Gartengestalter Polens veranstaltet, und de Vorträge konzentrieren sich auf Trends, met Verfahren und dem Important Aspects von Professional Landschaftsgestaltung. A higher level of green educational institutions would be a debate with a more static Grünflächen manager.

– POWER SPEECH FORUM – a Stage, the Ausstellern and Gästen gewidmet ist, who were allowed to inversetzen in the Köpfe der Gardenia-Teilnehmer. If you want to receive training in the horticultural industry, experts from various studies can load the city’s representatives in the Vorträgen, presentations and mini-trainings. Here the new heights of the fair and your large offer are displayed.

– FLORIST SCENE – The Gardenia fair is one of the largest exhibitions for florists in Poland, the factory of the flower industry. The message about the Gardenia fair was no longer than 19 years old and the best florists were found. In a Special Show, Benoît Barbin – Französischer Meister 2022 and Europameister der Floristen 2021 – will be announced later.

– CONFERENZRAUM, in these Räumlichkeiten two wichtige Veranstaltungen stattfinden:

  • Zertifizierter Fortbildungskurs des Verbandes der polnischen Baumpfleger mit dem Hauptthema SCHUTZ DER BÄUME IM INVESTITIONSPROZESS
  • XVIII Forum Urban Garden Art “Focus on greenery”, traditionally organized by the Redaktion der Zeitschrift Urban Greenery

Querschnitt through the Gartenbau

The Ausstellung is a year later alle Bereiche des Gartenbaus ab – from Maschinenangeboten, Substraten, Düngemitteln, Bewässerung, Saatgut, Gartenzubehör bis hin zum floralen Sector, full of Vorführungen and unusual Compositions. The Standortwechsel in Halls 7, 7A, 8, 8A and 6 (with insgesamt 5 Halls) offers new possibilities for the presentation of the presentation of the Aussteller and the lonely Grünfläche of the Lindenallee, in themselves Inspirations and Veranstaltungen for those Besucher besuch found.