
Drinking for sport: 6 No-Go’s

Drinking for sport: 6 No-Go’s

If Muskel has an optimal effect and a good effect, it is not that the egg whey is no longer used, but a genius liquid. With the right hydration, the musk can be supplied with oxygen and can be intensively stressed during exercise.

Once you start training, the training offering will be as simple as possible – if you want the training to be as short as possible. Doing this can help you persevere, force, and work unmotivated. Your ideal workout for your next workout, or?

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  • beware of the Kalorienbedarf
  • Optimal representation of the Nährstoffe
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If you follow the training, you can absolve, so you can test the finger on 5 anti-sports drinks:

1. Wash with Kohlensäure

Greifst du dem Sport zu Mineralwasser met perhaps Kohlensäure, loadtest van deinen Magen unnötig. If the lens is no longer gewöhnt, respond with confidence with flames, standard warm-ups and a nervous Blähbauch, the Magen reist and dehnt world. Enjoy a good Kraft training or the Laufrunde from Mineralwasser or Kohlensäure.

2. Soft drinks and Säfte

Fruit, fruit smoothies and soft drinks are not always suitable for a higher percentage – as a pre-workout drink it is not possible. That’s more green:

Soda and soft drinks are hypertonic

Hypertonicity is no longer absorbed by the body, but it is isotonic – a higher concentration and gel-teilchen when Blutplasma is used. The Körper must first use these products once and preserve them Saft & Co., including the Blut Wasser. Dadurch has had more time and effort with the washer lust, anyway.

Soft drinks and soft drinks often contain fructose

Säfte and Smoothies contain Menge Fruktose, also known as Fruchtzucker. It is true that things are going so well, but the leader is verdammt, great mixtures and fruits of verdauen. The people who are looking for fruits in the ground cannot wait any longer and the first time they walk around in Glucose, it is their energy extraction that can be useless. It is a fact – and in the Zwischenzeit burdened by the fruitzucker, the fruitful power and the power of the träge and satt. 5 Gründe, where Saft ungesund ist.

3. Milk or Milch-Mix-Getränke

Milch for sport is a good idea. A mild protein shake is no longer immediately suitable for the next training after training. Warum? Mild enthält sowohl Kohlenhydrate, wie de Milchzucker Lactose, as Fett and Protein. It takes a long time before you use the Magen-Darm-Trakt, one of the most important substances from the Milch to see and understand. For the Verdauung der Milch the Körper sister energy is consumed, but not for the Training zur Verfügung steht.

4. Sportswear

Many of the “sports activities” in the trade are now one of the most popular training bombs – and the must-see of the direction for training will never be recovered. The next Energy Kick will reach the end of the training in an Energy Crisis.

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Sports activities are often performed by Zucker and the ability to train without training

After training, it is now time for real Leistungsathletes to perform (higher) sports training. Der Zucker gets broke and leaves the learning glucose spiker. Sports drinks contain many mineral substances and are generally isotonic. Isotonic sports activities become excessive due to the heating of the eyes, that the gleiche concentration and the gel-like technique with the human Blutplasma effect occur.

If you can never eat again, you cannot use it as a leisure athlete: A Schorle with Mineralwasser and Apfelsaft in Verhältnis 3:1 is the best and most wonderful Iso-Drink ever.

5. Energy drinks

More energy for training thanks to Energy Drinks – it is one of the first things that is useful. In the theory and in the practical operation of it all. The Energy Scale was started by the rasants of the Blutzuckerspiegels. Kein Wunder at the Menge Zucker, die in such a dose. Before long, the Blutzuckerspiegel is no longer able to see into the Keller and has never been better. Zurück bleiben Müdigkeit und Antriebslosigkeit. Time for the last dose. Teufelskreis.

Do you want to start with the Koffein-Kick, what is an optimal training for your training? If you drink an espresso or a coffee before you exercise, it’s likely you’ll end up with an espresso or a coffee. In the Dosen there was no more – everything was not easy Gutes: Anregende Stoffe wie Taurin, Inosit and Glucuronolactone could – for all in Verbindung mit Sport – zu Herzrhythmusstörungen, Krämpfen and sogar Nierenversagen führen.

If Durstlöscher des Sports Falled Energy-Drinks definitely goes ahead. When post-workout training is no longer fun, the sport is a woolen musk with protein and never sugar-coated.

6. Alcohol

A beer that goes straight to the gym can be one of the best things. If the glass has been lifted a few times, it may not (negatively) have a sporty sports feel. Alcohol is not a good training partner, the residual alcohol in the extinguishing agent is not suitable for reactions and reactions. Werverkaert trainiert, erreicht seine Taxungsgrenze außerdem fell faster as first.

Alcohol can be used in the Muskelaufbau. Der Grund: Der Abbau des Nervengifts hat für deine Leber Prio 1 – everything else is a bit complicated in the Grunde at first. It may be that the Versorging der Muskelzellen with Sauerstoff and Nährstoffen will come soon and that the Muskelwachstum will be hemmed. We are busy with a training and a wetkampfvorbereitung, sollte in die Zeit Alkohol girls.

The best exercise for training is still water. Wer vor dem Training den vassigtreibstoff wählt, muss mit Leistungseinbußen recten. Is it a matter of cross-country skiing? Then you can use it with your own glasses or a beautiful note.