
Buntes program for cultural services in Kowalski

Buntes program for cultural services in Kowalski

GALLNEUKIRCHEN. Your day of service is at Café & Bistro Kowalski in Gallneukirchen kulturelles Treiben angesagt. An abwechslungsreiches program with and those cultural services booted.

The young music, poet and activist Nicolas Robert has long held power in November in history: Was there November 5, when the most important technical fortifications marked the time of the Rückschritt? Ob sich unsere Gesellschaft langam wieder im Gleichschritt Richtung Faschismus bewegt? Would you like to see a Stechschritt on Schlachtfeld? There is a lot of attention for political speaking with beautiful songs, grateful poems and texts, verse with a price for humor. Poetry and music.

Jam in Café

On November 12, Schüler, Lehrer and Friends of JazzPopRock-Abteilung der LMS will meet Gallneukirchen with a Jam Session. Kowalski’s musical notes are musical Austausch and small improvisations.


Other rock and punky tunes are not interpreted and starkly reduced: on November 19 the Gruppe Garden

Kaiser grooved

The Trio Kaisergrooved in Klassische Rockbesetzung widmet sich am 26. November der musical Neuinterpretation von Hits der Rock- und Popgeschichte. You can no longer see the three linzers as some other musical version of genres or other pieces of music.